Trouble sleeping since going sober. Anyone else?

I’m 15 days sober from alcohol and am having issues sleeping through the night this last week. I sleep in 3 hour chunks and then I’m up for a few hours.
Anyone else experience this? How did you help yourself sleep more soundly? Did your sleep schedule eventually correct itself?


Same here. I’m on day 40.
I dream a lot and the worst dreams are ones about relapsing. I’m so relieved when I wake up.
I’ve bought myself a small Bluetooth speaker and have it on really quietly. Usually chilled out tunes. That helps as I focus on the sounds instead of letting my thoughts overwhelm me.
Hang in there.


It’s a challenge early on! It does get better (actually MUCH better), but that first month or so is tough. Some melatonin can help, but left me groggy in the morning. I found wearing myself out during the days helped- lots of exercise. Also had to decrease caffeine. I hope this passes soon for you!


this always happens to me but after about a week i sleep better than I did before.:slight_smile:


It definitely gets better just hang in there, you might find other things going a bit crazy for a while too, appetite, digestion, mood …its your body recalibrating after all the abuse…its actually a good thing just give it some time it all settles down eventually, good job on your 15 days of freedom :+1:


I usually do (have difficulty) but I’ve been using the ‘one a night’ nytol supplements. They’re also antihistamines. I sleep really well with them. Hope you manage to get some Kip.

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Lord you’re not wrong! I’m currently up at 4:55 AM, with heart burn, itchy skin and an upset tummy😂 it feels like my body is falling apart, so good to know this is just the process of my body putting itself back together.


Itchy skin can be a sign that your blood isnt quite right if it persists id recommend having your bloods checked by a doctor

Thank you! My doctor said it’s a normal sensation when going sober. I have another appointment next week to check in and I’ll make sure to mention it if it continues. It’s just sooooooooo annoying currently.

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So pleased your in regular contact with a doctor thats really sensible, im 105 days so far and if i remember correctly it took around the 3-4 week mark for things to start settling alot more…sleep, proper bowel movements, mood etc

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I have a doctor who’s been in recovery longer than I’ve been alive. I never knew how important that would be to me until this journey. I’m very thankful for him.


Thats great, he will understand your journey. Have you thought about any supplements to have now to help your body through this process? When i gave up the booze i took B vitamins as alcohol depletes them, milk thistle to support the liver and evening prinrose oil for hormone regulation, obviously check with your dr but it might help with your symptoms

So I take Vitamin D, Vitamin C both are prescribed. And then Magnesium and Potassium OTC to support my kidneys(history of stones). I might mention Vitamin B though and ask my doctor about vitamins or supplements to help me over the hump. I’ve mainly been self medicating with Red Bulls and sweets​:grimacing::grimacing: food taste soo much better these days

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Ok great, yeah the caffeine in the red bulls wont be so good for sleep but yeah i craved sugar like it was going out of fashion and just went with it for a while but that evened out eventually too, you should be super proud of yourself your doing :+1:

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Currently 6:10 AM where I am and I haven’t slept a wink…

Thinking I’m just gonna go ahead and pull an all nighter and attempt to get a full nights sleep tomorrow (tonight?).

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6am here now and feeling the same way ugh

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Sleeping gets better longterm with sobriety unless there are other underlying factors like health issues, stress mental health problems. If this persists please contact an attorney.

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To answer the OP’s original question, I used exercise to help me sleep in the early months of my sobriety. I found that if I did a good workout in the morning I would be able to sleep easier at night. It also forced me to wake up early, which kept me from oversleeping and also helped me fall asleep faster.

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I can’t sleep either. I wonder if it’s imbalance hormones? When it return? Shit I need my sleep :joy:

I hope you got some much needed rest! I finally got some halfway decent sleep so I’m grateful