Truth and tough love

What’s the lounge?

THIS is one of my issues with some of the more “Godly” talk on this forum (not currently, but from a few years past). I think some people sit back and expect God to do it all for them. Even if you do believe in that tradition and Jedeo Christian God you still have to admit that you need to do the work. God will guide you but He can’t do anything foryou.


I was listening to ‘desert Island discs’ this morning on BBC radio 4 with an author (Marlon James) of ‘a brief history of 7 killings’ about assisanation of Bob marley etc, anyway he is gay and struggled with his understanding of himself and basically said that he hid in the church and with the people who go to church he said (generalising) that people are in there hoping that ‘God’ will do everything for them as it takes the responsibility of themselves away, that ‘God’ will make them rich and that ‘god’ will find him a wife… He found that a nirvana tune from Incesticide ‘had his back’ as it had a line in it saying if you were homophobe then don’t come to nirvana gigs and don’t buy their music… It’s like Marlons Higher Power came from a grunge band… Think its all about a higher power… :point_up::rainbow::pray:.

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You just became even cooler in my book. The X-Files is my favorite show of all time.


It looks like this:


I have had a different experience. Maybe not parting of the Red Sea material, but pretty impactful on my faith:
An off topic testimony for believers (and those undecideds):

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Thought that was your basement when I first looked :joy:


It’s a place where those who have earned “regular” status gather to ponder, discuss, and debate high intellectual topics. It is comparable to the age of enlightenment salons of Europe.


LOLZ. Close but thankfully not.


@butch has put a good post today called Four Men. (motivation and meditation posts) in motivation. :pray:

Well it’s gotta be better than the houses of parliament in the UK​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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That cannot be the same lounge i joined yesterday :wink:


Um, cough, (whispers) it’s what gets posted when @Mephistopheles asks, it’s so he doesn’t think he’s missing anything!:grinning:

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Man they really let the place go :flushed:

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It’s a separate category of threads for people who have gained regular status on here. I’ve not been on here as much lately, so I lost regular status. Im irregular. Heh.


As you are a southern belle, I won’t stoop to the level of poop jokes. But I wanna! :poop:


Oh gotcha! Don’t worry, I’m irregular too, lol!:crazy_face:

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Courtesy of my friend Chad on another sobriety forum…


Just read his, must have missed it the first time around…what a great read :heart::pray:t2::sunrise:


I like the brutal honesty!

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