Truth and tough love

People can get so confused by this, moderating and tapering is not the same thing, moderation is a choice and tapering is supervised by medical professionals :grin:


Agreed. Tapering is a managed decrease over time, with the final result desired being zero use. Moderation is the managed use on a consistent or repeating basis, with no decrease over time.



Had a guy from my home group celebrate 43 years of sobriety today. Takes it one day at a time and goes to meetings almost every day. Not because he has to, but bc he wants to.


It gave me detox. A bed. Food. And a lot of help with my mental health. I couldn’t detox without being shipped away though. A lot of what I learned in rehab is similar to what I hear in meetings.


I hear you!!! I get so jealous of the youngens at meetings because I know they’ll be able to celebrate those huge milestones. :rofl:


Welp, just lost another friend to an overdose. He was clean for over 7 years. Just had lunch with him a few weeks ago and he seemed to be doing great. Now you can all know why I refuse to accept that relapse is a part of recovery. I’ve lost enough friends to know just how quickly a relapse can kill you. Thank God there was an AA meeting as soon as I found out. I was able to get the support I needed instantly. And this is why I go to AA, because when shit hits the fan I know exactly where to go.


Sorry to hear this :confused: over 7 years…gosh, that just goes to show! glad you got the support you needed. :hugs::hugs:

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Sorry to hear this Derek. But yes you are right. We do have to stay vigilant with regards to our recovery.
Sending you strength buddy.


This is sad news to hear. I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, Derek.

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I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine what you must feeling. Hugs.

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Sorry to hear this, Derek.

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This is exactly why its life and death.

Sorry about your friend bro.

My thoughts on boredom, if you’ve got time to lean, you’ve got time to clean. Get outside and pick up litter, sweep the curb, reorganize your pantry. Boredom is not a reason to drink, it’s a pure excuse and it’ll get you back in your cups or into a morgue really quick.


So sorry to hear about your friend Derek. And fuck the idea that relapse is a part of recovery.


I’m glad I’m not the only one Bootz. I commented to someone about my unsettled feeling last night. It’s been a bit of a weekend for me and I just couldn’t find any solice in the forum for the first time last night.


This is exactly why we need to remember no matter how bizarre or off putting someone is, they are here because they desperately need help, not flip answers and sarcasm.


Thank you everyone for the kind words. I went to my second meeting today and brought up what happened and how I was struggling with acceptance. The following are some sample responses:

  1. It’s God’s plan and I don’t need to understand it.
  2. Stop with the self pity.
  3. You can’t get anyone else sober.
  4. I’m sorry it happened, but it’s a good reminder.
  5. Go out and help a newcomer.
  6. Nothing is worth a drink.
  7. Steps 1-3.

Thanks for sharing this man. Sorry about your buddy.

If your mind works like mine does then you can get caught up in the “it could have been me’s” and such. That’s just how I have gotten before.

I’ll leave you with what someone told me after a loss. It wasn’t you for a reason. And that reason is God business and not for you to understand.


Thanks man. I had a ton of anger earlier today. Like punched a hole in the wall anger. That shit doesn’t serve me well though. And it definitely didn’t help. Thankfully, I’ve spent almost 2 years practicing for these types of days. I know what to do. I called people, prayed and went to meetings.


That’s understandable. Of course you were/are angry. Who wouldn’t be? Thank God you knew what to do tho. and thank God that you are doing it.

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