Trying to overcome porn addiction

I have just found out about this place (actually downloaded the app for tracking sober time without knowing about the forum). I think this is a great place and for a while now I have been searching for a place where I can talk to others about these problems. I have a porn addiction and actually a big problem with substitutes like certain videos on YouTube or Instagram. It is hard because any news page can trigger putting images of semi-naked instagram models. I have been to 23 days and then relapsed on monday. Now I starting again and I just feel that this is harder again, as my last relapse was so recent. I have this thing were I feel like I am "missing out " on new videos and have the urge just to see if new videos were posted, which makes the first two weeks especially hard, I think.
Maybe there are others here fighting with similar problems? Any one here willing to share his personal tips/insights that has helped staying ā€œsoberā€? What have you guys noticed that helped you, or you were doing wrong?


Hi! Itā€™s great that you joined this forum, itā€™s a huge help for addicts of any kind.
I guess you will soon be invited to a private thread for sex and porn addicts by @Matt or @RetainKing, I donā€™t remember who started the new thread, you will find a lot of useful information there. And of course you can reach out and share your experiences and journey here on the public forum as well (for e.g. the Checking inā€¦ thread is a good way to stay accountable). You can also use the magnifying glass to look for search words as ā€˜pornā€™, so you can read a lot of older conversations in the topic.


I got sober in SAA, Sex Addicts Anonymous.


Welcome @PeterPan I have invited you to our thread about porn recovery. There you will find many people who have faced the same problem.

It is also worthwhile to read around on the public threads. There is a lot to learn about addiction in general. This is one of my favourites - it has many informative books and podcasts:

Resources for our recovery

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Hey @PeterPan :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:


Iā€™m a recovering sex addict and one of my main behaviors was porn and masturbation. Iā€™ve taken the steps with a sponsor. Let me know if I can offer assistance in any way.


@PeterPan welcome to the forum!
Iā€™m recovering from sex/porn/masturbation addiction also, I was able to enter recovery with the help of SLAA and working the steps with a sponsor. I can relate to what you said about feeling like youā€™re missing out, I really felt that way for several months (like probably more than a year) but it did eventually go away along with the withdrawals. Thereā€™s allot of information around here so keep coming back!

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Thanks so much everyone for your warm welcome and your info. It is really great to be able to connect to others that are in the same fight. And reading I have learnt that actually there are many things that addictions have in common be it alcohol porn or whatever.

About the SAA, I thought about that, then covid came and I actually live together with my girlfriend, which makes it impossible to attend it online from my home, as I have not told her yet. My relapses happen when sheā€™s out, or occupied, but planning for a frequent SAA meeting is not really possible right now. I donā€™t feel ready yet to tell her, as I know it would hurt her so much.

Thanks for the offer. So you use an accountability software, correct? I have not yet told anyone of my family and friends. May I ask who you have chosen as your sponsor?

Thanks Matt it is the PMOR thread? I see it in my notification. Is there a way to accept / tag it so I can come back to it easily and not have to scroll through my notifications?


Great thanks! Iā€™ll just bookmark a post there, that will do :slight_smile:

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Now to answer your first question:
First it felt hard, actually noticing my addiction poking my brain ā€œjust have a peekā€. I am actually in an on off since maybe 2 years with my maximum sober time being 2 weeks. So I thougth: I have to get better and take it more serious.

After about two weeks it got better, i was pretty occupied at work as well. So i didnt actually have much free time on my mind. But whenever I get up in the morning or start the PC I get a small urge to fall back to habits. But I guess I just got less serious with it, kind of forgetting all the things that the addiction causes and even playing some of the videos in my head. And then it just happened one day I was alone, free time , on the PC and some trigger came along on a news page. So Iā€™m back to day 3 now.

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Sorry I think I mixed up sponsor with accountability partner. So a sponsor is for the SAA (or AA etc) 12 step program right?

Iā€™m referring to sponsorship in SAA.

You donā€™t have to plan for frequent meetings or figure out how itā€™s all going to work. Just go to one meeting and take it from there. In NYC we have more than 50 SAA meetings per week, all currently on Zoom and open to sex addicts anywhere. Hereā€™s the meeting card:


I suggestion to you to read book your brain on porn, will help you know I every thing about porn addiction


I been at this for awhile now still trying I relapsed back on the first day again and again and again and again but still trying because I got close to 20 days once and need that power again It feels so wrong relapsing it hurts but imma get it again

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Thanks Bryan. I will take some time to read a bit more about SAA and see if I can find a time to attend a meeting! I guess there are a lot more of these in the US then here in Germany

Thanks for the tip!

I know that feeling. For me reading or watching about the addiction helps to realize how bad it is and to get up to fight against it again. Writing down an aim and thinking about the daily triggers so I can try to avoid them also helps. I also blocked everything on my pc and phone as good as possible so I can not easily access the things so easily anymore which gives a moment to reflect and say: stop! Still it is hard.

I just have started using fortify which is a webpage / app to overcome porn addiction and I think it is really great. I am just using the free version but it has great motivational and informational videos. Still it is hard, right now I am back to day 4 after my last relapse.

Hi, Peter! I have a similar problem as you. Last time I lasted 1.5 years and it was a healthy 1.5 years, which helped me in the fight against anger and self-hatred. But then I snapped and after a while I start again. The first 2 months will be hard, but you start to feel alive, and thatā€™s the best part.
let me give you some advice.
Try to understand what is the trigger, and exclude the impact.
Take all your free time, preferably to spend it outside the house.
Try to stop with another addiction in parallel, for example, with coffee or video games, then all your attention, all the failures and moments of despair will fall on these things.
And fourthly, when youā€™re horny, take a cold shower.

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