Trying to quit for good

Ive been to rehab, and honestly i loved it. It was one of the best experiences of my life. Ive been out for a year and have been struggling ever since…when im feeling bad then i want a drink, when im feeling too good then i want a drink. When i wake up feeling like absolute shit i swear i wont drink again, then the day passes after work and i want a drink. I feel like a waste of skin, i have a beautiful dog and cat who love me to death. A mom who does more for me than she ever should, and she knows how much im struggling with this disease. I just wish it wasnt so hard, im turning 27 in a month and i feel like ive wasted most of my 20’s being a drunk


Welcome to TS. You’ve acknowledged you have a problem and have already been to treatment, that’s a fantastic start. You’ve planted seeds to your sobriety now it’s time to feed it. Places like this one are really helpful. The more time you spend working your recovery, the stronger it grows. Best wishes :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Dylan welcome,
Take your time to get a bit familair with this forum. It is filled with so much good information and motivational stories.
One of the threads I would check out if I where you is the daily check in thread. Here you check in sober every day to keep yourself accoutable. It was a huge help in my recovery.

Check it out, you will be welcome there :raising_hand_woman:
Another good read is:

And here you find how I did it:

Sober for 6 years now with the help of this place.
I wish you the same. You are young and you can change!
Go get it!

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I’ve been to rehab 3 times with a generally positive experience. After the first two trips I didn’t really work on sobriety outside of rehab and very predictably I relapsed.

After my third trip I was so desperate to stay sober that I was willing to do anything. I started outpatient treatment and daily AA. Eventually I moved into sober living and joined this community. I also treated my mental health through therapy and medication.

It’s been almost 7 years of continuous sobriety and I still go to AA, I check in here daily and treat my mental health.

Sobriety is the bright :x: on the treasure map, you just have to follow the path others have already blazed


Hi @Dbn123 . I would encourage you to try and make some sober friends along your journey. Humans need company and kindred spirits to feel fulfilled in life . Join a club or go to a meeting of recovery where you will find people just like you .With a year’s sobriety you certainly have some wisdom I’m sure could help other’s struggling.the world’s waiting for you. sending hugs and love to you today :people_hugging::heart: