This is offtopic to RTS: you have to watch their most recent video about Quantum Mechanics. It’s wild!
Edited bc Morgue is nb.
@Rockstar24777 @Sabrina80
I was looking up Morgue’s IG after watching this video and they have posted that they are nb. I would just like to recommend we make a conscious shift of pronoun use when referring to them.
I definitely will for sure thank you!!
I did not know that
What would the proper way be to reference? They/them?
Edit: I just looked it up and I believe it’s they/them if nb is referring to non binary. Thank you @anon9289869
Just a side note… this thread is for anyone who has experienced this and to share whatever means has helped them and is helping them heal from this so @Sabrina80 there really is no off topic things here but thank you for mentioning that!
Yay thanks for posting, I just found them on IG too!
I never attended a religious AA 12 step meeting.
Religions love control through the blame game of shame.
I always found my church and religion to be Nature and the Universe.
Many of the narrow minded religious expand out in Nature.
It’s a Beautiful thing