Two sips...?

Do your thing freckles. If it’s not going to eat at you to just move on them do what feels comfortable. I can’t say what I’d do bc I wouldn’t even put myself in that type of a situation where I would then have to battle with my mind on what the right decision would be lol. But it seems now you know that was definitely not a decision you wouldn’t like, hopefully you won’t put yourself in that type of situation again. No matter what you choose, no judgement here just keep coming bac


It is not up to the community to decide if you restart. Your sobriety is yours to oversee and monitor. Whether you restart or not, I would note this day. Because something significant happened for you today. And, in six months, you may want to revisit and remember it.


Since you asked, I’d reset. For me this is a case of black and white. Yes or no. No grey area in the fight against addiction. Of course you’re not me and it’s up to you.


I would reset the days… There are no shortcuts or Slips… But that’s me personally…

For example, I’m 3 years sober except two weekends… Doesn’t add up… But that’s me…


I had 3 slips and the first one I had 29 years of soberity

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For reference, I think the lapse v relapse stuff comes from the SMART Recovery approach, based on conversations I remember seeing here. Not something I have done but as it is based on CBT, I assume the purpose is to distinguish between different cycles of behaviour (with associated thoughts and feelings) and in return implement appropriate coping strategies. Although you know what they say, you should never assume… :wink:

In terms of whether to reset @freckles - I know you’ve had lots of advice already but it made me think of an experience I had, which feels relevant to share here.

Last summer I had a cigarette or two after building up over 18 months smoke free. I actually had two counters, a smoking one and a nicotine one, cos I quit using patches so that date was a bit later. Anyway! I don’t remember the circumstances now but I thought about it and decided not to reset. My thinking to myself was, would my two years feel empty if I hit it, knowing I had that blip? I decided no. I didn’t feel I would return to smoking and couldn’t see problematic behaviours.

I then went on to have multiple lapses (where I had a few smokes at a particular place) and then a relapse (smoking full time for a week or so) and I reset my counter for all of those.

Maybe I was just bargaining with myself but I’m still happy with my initial decision not to reset that first time. Not resetting my counter isn’t what took me back to smoking. Although I have now just got one counter, for being smoke free, and it means not one puff. I can still see all my history, the amount of smoke free time I had and the amount of money saved.

So maybe this is a good opportunity to ask yourself what the counter means to you and what its purpose serves? As others have said it is only one measure of progress. Then you can answer your own question more easily about whether a sip counts as a reset. Both for this time but also, and more importantly IMO, in future.


Sobriety is a personal journey… It’s up to u how u feel about sobriety.

All I can say… If I had a slip or a so called blip on the radar, And ask my fellows how they feel about it… It’s like a ask for permission or dumb down my own thinking…

This sounds very harsh… I know…
But if I lower my own set of rules…i would be back to square one fast…

The mind is tricky…


Alarm bells would be ringing for me because it’s quite a dangerous situation to have been in… Drinking alcohol to “check” that you don’t drink alcohol. … It’s horrible, it’s ok, I’m not addicted… That sense of security is very dangerous, and I know this because I’ve been there myself a million times. One sip leads to two, then a month down the line maybe just one drink etc etc etc. If you reset the counter it will remind you of this, but it’s your choice. I didn’t reset when I accidently ate a marzipan biscuit which turned out to have booze in it. My choice.


Hi lovely TS crew! WOW! I am absolutely floored, overwhelmed and grateful for the full list of advice, replies, responses, thoughts on this. I am reading all and will reply soon once I’ve had time to reflect a bit more. Having my morning coffee and heading for a run. Wishing you all a happy sober Sunday x


I also appreciate that messages like this could be triggering, and I am so humbled and grateful for everyones compassion in responding - both in kind words and tough love. This is my journey and I own it, but I very much respect this community for the help it has brought me and I wouldn’t want my figure to feel irksome to some, or disingenuous, so I will have a think about the best way to reflect what is clearly an important issue. x


If you hadnt been drinking non alk beer but a soft drink then this prob wouldnt have happened ? its up to you but you took it sipped it and id reset , thats why when i went to places in my early sobriety i took my own soft drinks you never know when someone who dosnt know that your trying to get sober will offer you a drink


Thanks all. I’m going to have 2 timelines. One for checking in here, one for checking in with myself. That seems like the way to respect the rules here, and everyone’s efforts, and also mark to myself the importance of not being careless. As so many of you have so articulately said, you can know its poison and carry on. So two timers. But for here —> I’m day 1 then. @littlemisschatterbox that was a very helpful distinction - thank you. @Dazercat - I’m early in my journey, which means not a lot of people know about this, and I didn’t feel able to tell them about it then and there. @Eke thank you - yeah the conscious taking the second sip, is my reset. I don’t think that not resetting would allow the slippery slope. @LeeHawk thank you - I feel like it should be my decision yet I feel I wouldn’t be welcome on here if I said today that I’m 1 month 6 days.?

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@Dan531 - yup, you’re right, as are you @Nordique. Thanks @M-be-free49 - I really appreciate that. It did feel a bit exposing after posting, I realised I was opening myself up to a lot of controversy and opinion. @Girlinterrupted Thank you! this support is so important. thanks for your vote (thats what I want - not to reset, and so important to have the support on here for that move!) @Private50 yup, the most important lesson is to consider the situation I put myself in. @SoberGuyUSA thanks, yeah you’re probably right. @Yoda-Stevie - “every sober minute is a victory” - you are so right. I can reset and not consider it a failure. @SinceIAwoke thanks for your feedback - 0% actually really help me and are definitely a part of my journey. I just need to ensure I’ve told everyone in the group that is the situation. If we hadn’t run out of 0%s there would be no issue - I really prefer the way they taste! It was as if I genuinely wanted something to sip for thirst, I honestly wasn’t thinking about the alcoholic nature, I was just like oh this won’t make a difference. Then I remembered the community here too.
Thanks all sleep tight, over and out xx


@anon60334405 thanks mike. I spend most my life seeking validation and I’m worried that I’ve kinda let myself be far to steered by what everyone ELSE thinks on here. for me last night was a VICTORY, I was able to walk away, I was able to not care that I didn’t drink that evenign (in a proper way). Honestly, the old me would have craved and missed booze all night. thanks for accepting me and inviting me to keep coming back, means a lot. @KFair90 absolutely - the day is noted, hence the two different days I will have. The date is a reminder everytime I look at my two dates running alongside eachother. @Mno that does help some people yeah. @Dutchie I know what you mean, slippery slope aint a good look for alcoholism . @Dave99 thanks for sharing that others have had the sips and continued on! @siand - yup exactly - I’m going think about the counter. @Dutchie The mind is tricky! yup, you’re right,important not to get back to sqaure one. @badger-yeah - I know the logic sounds odd doesnt it. Yeah a marzipan biscuit sounds allowed and accidental!

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I guarantee you you one thing @Freckles. You are always welcome here. We all continue the fight together. That’s what is all about. And you gave us all so much to think about in our own sobriety. You did a lot for us sharing here. And I think I can safely say we all grew a little bit stronger because of you.
And that’s what it all about.


Oh my gosh, @Freckles, you will ALWAYS be welcome here regardless of what you do with your timer. TS is a great place to be. Congrats on your sober time!


I can only share my experience… because I have relapsed so many times I never even wanted to mention how many days or how much time… Ive reached a year, 3 times… and all the sips in-between… so, this last go round I have been making it a point to celebrate everyday and cherish my time, because it is real and honest and I feel good about it. Im holding myself accountable for the first time. Everyone’s program is different. I feel like I need to do whatever feels right for me. If something is weighing on my conscience today I have to do something about it immediately. My serenity is way more important, it keeps me moving forward in my recovery.


Yeah I actually feel like counting it as a relapse won’t help. I need to know that a real relapse is fucking shit. Not that I can walk home completely sober and wake up fresh as a daisy. That was last night. So in some senses I need to be careful NOT to treat it as a lapse or I’ll think ok lapsing isn’t that bad :confused: it’s complicated

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I was just reading your thread and then noticed your bio says “sober curious” and further down “I don’t want to be sober” but in between you mention ambulance trips, assault and blackout sex etc, maybe have a think about what you really want?
I was never sober curious because alcohol was more important than air to me, I become desperate enough to get sober and am not alcohol curious because I know the outcome…
I wish you the best, figuring out whether resetting for total sobriety is the best option is up to you and what your desired outcome for your future is :pray:


I couldn’t agree with this more, so spot on.