Two sips...?

There’s nothing complicated about my sobriety. I don’t drink. I don’t take sips. I don’t experiment. It’s very simple.

What was complicated was when I was still drinking: that’s when I tried to rationalize continued drinking. I made rules that didn’t make sense and bent lines and boundaries rather than abiding by them. I played games and did all sorts of mental gymnastics in my attempt to keep alcohol in my life.

Quitting stopped the nonsense and gave me peace of mind.


This right here :arrow_up: The times that I have been most distressed since first starting my “sober curious” journey have been when I second guessed my decision to not ingest alcohol. Choosing to be sober, making that an all in commitment, makes life so much less complicated and puts my mind at ease. There are plenty of other things to worry about now :rofl::grimacing: and whether to drink, how much to drink, or when to stop is not one of them. It’s a huge relief.


Hi @BJM I think this is so on point. When I joined I was sober curious. I didnt want to say sober in case I failed again. I need to have a think about what I need. Right now it was just ‘just for today’, but the day of two sips, I was probably still wondering if I should be sober. Then the second it happened, yeah, I didnt want to go back there.I dont know - I’m watching tv now and craving red wine. Anything else I don’t crave or want. But as I see it, it also feels like poison

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So true. I feel completely free since i’ve been sober. I love knowing I won’t be hungover and unable to function the next day. I love depending on myself. everything I love about sobriety I have learned from this process tho - I quit because alcohol and I didnt get on, but I want to stay because sobriety and I are such excellent partners :slight_smile:

I’ve always heard that something like you did or drinking a bit isn’t considered a relapse, it’s a stumble or a bump in the road. Not saying that these things can be ignored or aren’t detrimental to our recovery but a relapse(at least at the various treatment places I’ve been to) is not only partaking in the substance but returning to old habits and way of thinking. That said I think it’s up to you on your days, your whole recovery is yours and yours alone. some people say taking pain meds, even if prescribed, is a relapse, cuz a drug is a drug is a…, I disagree because I’ve had some awfully painful kidney stones before. But that’s up to you too. It’s your recovery, do what keeps you in it. Good job on your first 30 days, feels great doesn’t it? XO