Two Years Sobriety Today

Today marks 816 days since my last drink, and two years since my last drug, making me finally and officially two years sober.

I made it.

This felt like a long haul honestly, as I stopped drinking a few months before I managed to put down the drugs. Those first few weeks were hard, I was tormented with night sweats and night terrors.

I’ve come a long way. From a kid who picked up drugs and alcohol at age 13, was expelled from school and left home at age 15, to a young man now who’s in the first year of a college degree.

I shared in a meeting the other night how when I was about 15, I would fill plastic bags full of lpg gas and hyperventilate it, completely hallucinating about another world. I reflected on how I went outside one morning in my pijamas to sniff petrol out of the lawnmower. This was normal to me. I had no idea what normal was. After years of fighting to change my life, I’ve found that it’s taken so long to rectify the damage I did in a short period of time, and some can never be fixed.

My two years in recovery has had plenty of challenges, none I couldn’t handle, but some that have really hurt, especially recently. I’ve gone through a break up, perhaps I should have taken the advice and not made any big decisions in the first two years of sobriety, but I did. My alcoholic mind and poor behaviours and bad decision making (character defects as they say) came into play and I completely sabotaged the relationship. As a result I’ve really been struggling. But I’ve done it sober. The last month has been really hard and I’ve had to dig deep. I’m ready to keep changing. I’m ready to advance, level up, and push forward. It’s get through no matter what time, it’s overcome no matter what o’clock, it’s beast mode and it’s can’t stop won’t stop all day everyday growth change fail forward time. I heard a good saying today. If you fall down, atleast fall in your back so that way you can still look up. I’ll never give up.

As I sit here I know I must now commit to a new sobriety goal. I made the goal to reach two years, and now it’s time to make the goal for a third. So I hereby declare that I’ve made the decision to make a third year, no excuses, no quitting, no surrender, I’m going to straight murder it. Now that my late night ramble is done I just want to say a huge thanks to Robin and all the members here.

You guys keep me going and check me on my B.S. you don’t cater to my pity parties, but you give me real advice when I ask for it, and you guys and gals have always been there throughout my sobriety in one way or another. I love this group and everyone on it and I look forward to killing this next year and sharing it here, and hopefully changing my fundamental attitudes and approaches to situations and people, that’s an ambitious goal but I might as well start now as it’s time to level up.

Much love everyone :heart:


This is awesome news! Major congrats to you!

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Congratulations, Duncan!

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Congratulations Duncan! Wonderful achievement and inspiring share! Onwards and upwards, you’re taking life on life’s terms, never missing out on the beauty despite any hardships, and that’s what it’s all about! Much love and further success to you! :rainbow::fireworks::confetti_ball::tada::boom::birthday:


:laughing: :hugs:


Congratulations Duncan! :clap:t5:

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Congratulations!! That is such a great accomplishment and I can tell from what you’ve shared that you are truly taking advantage of sobriety.

Enjoy and keep up the hard work :grin: :+1:

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Congratulations Ducan! :tada:
That’s a lot of hard work and determination right there. What an inspirational post.

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Congratulations on your way to year 3 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::confetti_ball:


Congratulations on your 2 years!! I am really happy for you!! Great work!!

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That’s amazing!! Congratulations!!

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Congratulations two years is amazing!

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Congratulations :four_leaf_clover: great work! :confetti_ball::birthday:

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Congratulations on your 2 years Duncan. I’m so happy for you.

Great share you got there. It’s really great to see you back on the gratitude thread more often. Especially since you were one of the original Gratidudes. As you probably know I think it’s the most important thread on here. It really sets the tone for just one day at a time. I hope to see you on it for your successful 3 year journey. You’ve learned so much in 2 years and it’s great to see you crushing it. Struggling any day clean and sober is so much better than the regrettable struggle of being wasted. You certainly wouldn’t be where you are now. You’ve really over come so much. I hope now that you’ve reached you 2 years maybe the struggle will lessen just a little bit after such a wonderful accomplishment. Great job my friend. I’m so glad you’ve been here since the beginning of my journey. You’ve showed me a great way to travel on my own journey. And for that I am grateful.


Thanks everyone for the kind words :heart:

Congrats on your two years!!!

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Bloody good work, champion.


:eight_pointed_black_star:Congratulations!!:eight_pointed_black_star: What an inspiration!

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It’s a beautiful thing, CONGRATS!!

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