
Oh my gosh…I have no words! I’m screen shotting this

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Thank you so much

Here’s a full list of Recovery Dharma meetings. There are many of the same concepts about recovery, with a Buddhist principals approach.


The sangha I attend is DND.

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It won’t be your last day 1 unless and until the suckiness level has reached the point where you choose to make it your last day 1. The thing is, you can’t choose this once and be done. Nope. You have to choose for this day 1 to really be your last day 1, and you have to affirm this choice every single day. It has to be the first thought upon waking, and your last thought each night.

Do this until you won’t drink, because you don’t drink. Do this until you’ve become a non-drinker.


I wont ever be a drinker…I’ll go to meetings and go to church. I honestly have never tried to quit drinking since my last attempt here. I truly want and will stop drinking. If I don’t I will continue to ruin my relationships with everyone or die.


Are you on day two yet? Days 1-4 sometimes 5 are the WORST for me. I get horrible withdrawals, most of the time I tough it out here at home, sometimes I’ll go to the hospital. I get zero sleep, I’m on day 19 now & I literally went 3 nights with no sleep. Usually it’s just 2 but it just gets worse. I’m sorry I’m not trying to be Debbie downer just when I hear day 1, man. My heart goes out to you stay strong and positive, time heals everything…mostly.

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I relapsed yesterday:(
Day one …again

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Hej beautiful lady, how are you today?

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I hope your day 1 went well, get it done!