Unexpected relapse

It’s easy to think you’ve “beaten” addiction until you realize that the war is never truly over and if you lower your defenses addiction will beat you.

Your experience is one that many have had. I know I’ve had my share. Oh I can just do this thing once, or I’m actually really fine now. All of it was mental gymnastics because each time there was never a “this once”, but instead it was another few months of hell then getting clean again, rinse and repeat.

I would suggest continuing to do the things you were doing before and see if you can make friends of anyone offline. Stick around on this community, or try out some others to see if you like them more, and engage. Use the Daily Check In thread if you think it would be useful, but jump into some of the other threads that look interesting and engage with people as well.

When/if you reach a time where you do need to reach out for help, you will have built a network of people you’ve already grown comfortable with.

If you’re like me and you have a hard time reaching out for help / people don’t understand when you are actually reaching out for help, then try to figure out a way to get something that you need to keep going. Maybe that’s a conversation to lighten your mood, or an internet distraction, etc.

Best of luck and I hope you are able to find what you need.