Unwritten social rules and etiquette thread

Definitely excessive. Although this isn’t typical. Our rural road on my commute is very popular for cyclists. I’m happy to share the road and don’t dislike cyclists. But the occasions that this happens are frustrating and dangerous. Especially over hills and when they blow through stop sign (which also occurred seconds after the photo). And this is all 80km/hr zones. Hubby was driving and I’m surprised he handled this well. Normally he’s somewhat intolerant and it drives me bonkers when he is.

Yeah, I thought you might have been somewhat joking but it’s always hard to tell.
To say to not get in your way is a little entitled no? I should have to ride somewhere else because you don’t like my and other cyclists on the road? The bikes I ride aren’t meant or designed for trails. I get shit for riding my bike on a paved trail by where I live. The speed limit is 14mph. I over that without any effort, and there are walkers and joggers on that. I guess I should tell them to walk and run on the sidewalk?
If they are just riding as far right as they can to be safe instead of having the mindset that they’re in your way, maybe just think of that particular person as someone you care about or a family member trying to enjoy the weather and life.
Cycling is the thing I enjoy. I do it because I love being outside and to stay in shape. I also use it as transportation. Just like you do with your car. Race and drive.
I can only imagine of somebody decided I was so much of a hindrance to their drive that they couldn’t take their foot off the gas for 30 seconds to pass safely and hit me (I’m not saying that’s what you do) and that I could potentially not see my wife and kids again and my kids grow up without a father all because 30 seconds was too much to wait. Some roads aren’t ideal and I get it but sometimes there aren’t better options. I dunno.

As I’ve said, I’ve had friends die for that exact reason. Or they were texting and driving.

Ok, I’m done commenting about this subject. Not sobriety related and everybody has an opinion, and you know what they say about those.


South Florida. But I’ve heard Philadelphians can be a tad rude as well. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yep. Men’s toilets are very often cleaner.

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I think Paris recently enacted a similar law.


They have. Europe is very pro bike. The US is getting there.


I freak out when sitting on the throne and somebody does that :smiley: Damn…

Now just imagine being in there trying to shoot up. That was my life

When cars sit in the passing lane doing the speed limit or below. Grinds my gears!

I pull them over.