Vaping in college

Starting not to vape. Anyone have tips? I’m around it so much in college I wouldn’t say I’m addicted but if I’m around it I can’t just not hit it, it’s been like this for about 2 months I don’t own one but I’m starting to just not hit it. After 2 days without hitting it I get overwhelmed by the thought of hitting it. Any tips? Thanks


Try keepimg your hands busy. At the beginning of this year i switched from 2 and a half packs of newport cigarettes a day to 3 vapes a month. And ive noticed if im just holding it in my hand i wont even hit it… i totally forget about it. 2025 is getting off nicotine vapes and then no vape at all. 2022 quit using, 2023 stopped drinking energy drinks and caffeine and 2024 quit cigarettes. Smoking/vaping is so HARD to stop. Keep going! You got this!

Thank you very much for your response. When I feel tempted I will come back to this for motivation.

My experience with vaping led me to believe it’s far worse than smoking cigarettes. People say that’s not true, but who really knows :woman_shrugging: I smoked cigarettes for 4.5 years before I switched to vaping bc it tasted and smelled better. Within a month, it made a huge impact on my lungs. It became more and more painful to vape. Something wasn’t right. I went back to cigarettes and all that went away :thinking: I finally quit smoking by switching to nicotine pouches…but now I’m stuck on those :unamused: My advice would be to steer clear of them as much as you can(I know how it is these days, but try your best). Don’t ever buy your own, it’ll just keep feeding into those thoughts. Nicotine is a serious addiction you don’t want to have. Nip this in the bud before it’s out of your control. All the best :pray:


Great advice & yeah vaping doesn’t interest me in the least, like just the thought of all those chemicals all mixed together to give the user a pleasurable taste which is a mixture of poison in a pen & super addictive!!

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When I was younger I never really used to buy cigarettes to smoke them but always used to get tokes from friends ones. Told myself I wasn’t a smoker… But when I got older realised I was just one of ‘those’ people who just smoked everyone else’s money. Is this what you’re doing without realising? Vaping is super expensive, why are you going and standing around near people who are vaping?

The way that making you think about it all the time that is addiction, you need to cut that off and stop being cause addiction only goes in one direction

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I see this at work all the time. Then the vape owners complain about the freeloaders later.

Then there’s the ones who say “I only smoke when I drink” :face_with_raised_eyebrow: My brother said this once, and when I moved in with him I found out he drank every day. Now he’s sober, but guess what he still does? :smoking:


There’s a thread here for people working to be free of nicotine - check it out, there’s probably some good advice there:

Welcome to Talking Sober!

Aside from what everyone else said about addiction, isn’t sharing vapes incredibly unsanitary? I wouldn’t give anyone a toke from mine. It’s mine. And my germs are the only ones ever getting anywhere near it.

It is gross!!

Those things get warm and will be a hot bed of germ breeding… Plus they sit in people’s pockets etc. Gross.

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