
Great reply very thoughtful thank you. Have a lovely day :heart:

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Great reply and lots to think about.

I just hope this does not become one of those topics where it becomes trendy to demonize people for eating animal derived products because I could see it happening one day.

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I gave up dairy over a year ago, but meat has been something I have struggled to eliminate from my diet. I have drastically reduced my consumption of meat, but I do want to eliminate it completely. Currently reading a book by John Joseph, lead singer of the Cro-mags. I won’t mention the name of the book here, but it’s been an eye opener.

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Had a beyond burger today. Really nice! Tasty texture similar to a burger.

Anyone tried one?


Mexican Kumara boat (sweet potato) and salad.


That’s one of the products my company represents. We like it. Though my vegetarian kid prefers Impossible burger.

I prefer black been or mushroom burgers but my kids like A&W so I get Beyond Burger every week or so. They’re pretty good.

I’d like to try the Impossible Burger someday but it’s not available here yet…at least not to my knowledge.


I’m not doing Veganuary but am veggie and eat lots of vegan meals. Falafel burgers and roast veg for dinner tonight.