Vent here as needed

Got into a stupid fight withthe wife. Wanted to just drink the sadness away but was able to fight through it and I’m going into day 6 tomorrow.


@DrunkenMaster I know exactly what you mean, been there. :cry: Just know those feelings are normal & this too shall pass. You guys will make up eventually! :couple::couple_with_heart_woman_man: Good job at staying sober, stay strong! :muscle::muscle::muscle::smile::smile::smile::v::v::v:

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So glad you made this topic, @DrunkenMaster. I’m extremely depressed today. I don’t know why i waste My energy and tears on someone who probably never loved me. I did everything for him and he repaid me with lies, betrayal, and cowardess. I’ve got to Let him go. I have to accept that he isn’t My responsibility, that i don’t owe him anything after all thes years of physical abuse…

I hate myself for crying over him. I hate myself for what he made me become.

Kinda depressed myself…
Guess you got to take the bad days with the good and today’s not really a good day.
Just life i suppose…most of the reason i would get drunk on days like today so i wouldn’t have to deal with it.
Just gets hard sometimes not having a place to run to…not easy retraining my thinking to think after so many years of blurring the thoughts.



These days I run to coffee ice cream. Thank god i have a fast metabolism or I’d be a great big butterball :smile:


lol just ate a s’mores klondike bar and watching sinister 2

:confused: Going through a break up while attempting to be sober from alcohol. All I wanted to do was drink my sorrows away. It wouldve made the day go by so fast and I wouldn’t have to think about how much I miss her.Until I woke up at least. I refrained but it’s hard to not feel depressed and what something else instead.


Hang in there. I believe everyone has a soulmate. If you don’t feel it…move to the next one because when you find him…it’s amazing…1000x better than any love you’ve ever known. :wink:


I think i met my soul mate…then i bought a pack of cigarettes from her and said goodbye…

If there’s such a thing as a soul mate that’s one person in 7 billion, seems like youd be better off making things work with someone you can work with.
I’ve been through so many relationships in my life i pretty much know when is a bad one and it won’t work. I think the reason we try to force those relationships into working is just that, we know it won’t work…why we do that is beyond me…maybe we want to prove the universe wrong? Maybe were glutton for punishment?
Unless your already in a working relationship i don’t think finding one while trying to get clean or sober is a good idea and usually ends up making sobriety more complicated.
Just my opinion tho.


Laying in bed disappointed. Had to hit the reset button…here is to 7hrs sober…


I feel the same I have lost the man I loved due to another drunken violent outburst and all I feel like is getting hammered to blot it out but if I don’t stop I will do more mad things and drunkenly text him when he has had enough. I know even if I am sober he won’t have anything to do with me because it went too far this time.


Yea. Its really easy to get drunk and text all types of stuff that you may think helps or at least explains how you feel but it usually doesnt come out right and you end up making matters worse. (If even possible) . Try your hardest to refrain. The most valuable thing you can show now is that you love yourself enough to be sober. That’s really the only chance to redemption in a situation like this.


I hope you’re right… But I’ve been hurt and traumatized by so many men and women that i think it’s best for now that i just don’t let anyone in past my defenses. Because i have borderline, i feel the pain of loss and rejection and betrayal much stronger than a mentally healthy person. I need to protect myself

I’m so sorry @DrunkenMaster… But it’s just a little set back. Don’t Let guilt and sadness take you over. If you get back up and try it again. We will be here to support you. Do you have a sponsor?

I really wanted to cut today. I woke up this afternoon feeling really depressed and abandoned. That’s a huge trigger for me. I thought about it, was able to resist and distract myself but now I’m thinking of it again. I’m so lonely. I have great friends, but something is missing.

Sometimes I justify it with “well it wouldn’t be that bad if I only did it a little bit, and stopped after one cut.” However I know myself and I would keep going and going and would have to go to the hospital and get stitches. Sucks.

I also worry that I’m replacing one addiction with another coping method. Since I’m not actively cutting anymore, I need something else to control. Lately it’s food, dieting and exercise. I eat one or two small meals a day, just started going back to the gym, constantly think about food, and have become obsessed with my weight. I can’t control whether or not this guy I’m interested in or whatever likes me, but I have control over whether or not I put that piece of bread in my mouth.

Someone told me this once and I thought you might like it. Love yourself first, then the love of others will folllow. :slight_smile:


Nope, no sponser. This is my first try at using some type of community to help stop. Never did AA or 12 steps.

Well if you ever need direct emotional support or someone to talk you out of drinking, I’ll send you my cell number. If you need to, call or text anytime! I’m here to help you.


Hey guys I am about six months into an out patient treatment program. Making slow and steady progress but there have been a few bumps in the road. I recently started cutting out the toxic people in my life, it is hard but the benefits are starting to show. Learning to take care of you first is very important. In my situation the anxiety is the worse. As I live in Australia it is also very hard socially as there is a big drinking culture here. I have had to remove myself from social situations where there is booze. But its not all bad I havr started to look into things I can do to replace drinking. Its really refreshing reading all your posts. Was starting to think beinv in this situation is lonely but that is not the case. Looking forward to reading more posts and making valid contributions and growing :laughing:

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@Ozdownunder That’s really awesome! I’m glad you joined us, Welcome! I agree with you in taking care of yourself is top priority & removing yourself from toxic places/people. :blush: Happy sober day, stay strong! Blessings to you & hugs! :smile::smile::smile::muscle::muscle::muscle::heart_decoration::sparkling_heart::tulip::rose::clap::clap::clap::v::v::v::pray::pray::pray:

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