Venting for advice

Welcome Ashlee :wave:t2: :innocent:

We’ve all been there. Every one of us here is here because we realized at some point that whatever thing we were drinking or using, was causing problems. When something causes problems like that, it’s time to try another way of living.

Our addictions sneak up on us and whisper in our ear: “come on, it’ll be fine, it’ll feel good, don’t worry about it, just go for it today”. It’s a lie; it’s bullshit; there is never a day where we’re glad we did it. Think back to every morning after. They’re always the same.

Stick around here and read up on some of people’s stories. Check in & keep yourself accountable:

Checking in daily to maintain focus #46

Explore some books, podcasts, and support groups about alcohol - there’s, and also other groups too. It might feel nervous or even scary at first - it can feel that way - but reaching out for help it the first step to moving forward. It certainly was for me.

There’s also online groups, like, and this 24-hour meeting:

Take care and don’t give up. Keep us posted :innocent: