Very weak moment

I am soooooo tempted to drink. I have been going through a series of very stressful situations and now they are over…I am so tempted. Please help!!!


Watch your breathing- in for 3 seconds- hold for 3- exhale for 5. I hope this helps in some small way. You are in a place of hope and help- please don’t give up!


What will happen when you drink? Talk yourself through the likely consequences. And know that when you do not drink, your craving will subside in an hour or two. You can get through that, I know because I had the same panicked desire to drink and did not and survived.


Drinking won’t help you celebrate getting through stressful times and it won’t take your stress away. Drinking will do what it has always done for you. Remember what that is.

For me drinking brings anxiety hangovers, weight gain, anger, lack of health, less money. What would you gain vs what would you give up if you drank?


Drinking wont make it better, its not a treat. It will only heighten your anxiety and depression, diminish your senses, and leave you feeling like shit tomorrow.


Remember how awful drinking will make you feel, and you’ll blame yourself for giving in.
Remember why you startet and keep that thought!


Its a Choice! Saying “no” to the temptation will not kill you. Saying “yes l” eventually will.

What is your choice?


Eat something, take a hot shower and go to bed sober. Close your eyes and breathe. This always works for me. Hugs :people_hugging:


Stop seeing booze as some kind of reward because its really not


I made it through! And I didn’t drink. Thank you all so much. Instead of having a drink with my meal, I just had water and as soon as the food hit the stomach, it sort of went away. Drinking on an empty stomach was one of my favorite things to do Back then. Thank you so much. If it wasn’t for this app, I could’ve thrown away 10 months of complete sobriety. And instead of accomplishing more today and tomorrow like I did the last few days, I would’ve just hated myself tomorrow. Thank you so much!


Another good point for always checking HALT :hugs: I’m happy you had a delicious meal and feel ok again!


When I am in this mode of thinking I simply tell myself I will wait 24 hours before making a decision to take a drink. If I’m going to relapse after all the time I’ve spent working on sobriety, what is another 24 hours?

Usually during that day it becomes apparent to me that thinking about taking a drink was an obscenely ridiculous thought for me to have, and I usually spend the latter part of the day counting things I am grateful for today that I have thanks to me not taking a drink. And by the time 24 hours comes along I have moved on with my life and the idea of taking a drink is no longer an appealing option.


Fuck yes!!

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Thank you, tomorrow morning when I’m having my coffee, I’m gonna count my blessings because I would’ve been miserable!


Great job!! I too find that my craving almost always goes away once I have a full stomach. So I’d drink on an empty stomach and then never get around to eating…. Good choices :joy::joy:


Yep, at the end, I wouldn’t even get around to eating, or it would be very well well done on the grill! Lol. Like blackened, and not the Cajun seasoning! :rofl::+1:

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I’ve talked to a couple of people about the empty stomach and full stomach but maybe we should start a thread that says before you drink have a triple cheeseburger…. I’ll bet there is something chemical to it.


There are several threads on HALT: Hungry Angry Lonely Tired
Give it a look, lots of good information and experience there.
I like this one:


Keep working on your sobriety every day…do something each day to strengthen it, look toward those who have long term sobriety and what they have done to be so and be open to learning from them whatever their recovery journey entails


Well, thank everyone again for yesterday. Although I’m happy, I did not drink. I have to admit I’m embarrassed. Embarrassed that I had to come on here in my weak moment. Do you know someone gave great advice above about waiting 24 hours. 24 hours before that moment, I was even sitting there, thinking I have absolutely no will to drink ever again. I was like I got this. But basically, I had a series of great things happen and got finished. It was basically at like a celebration lunch. But I am so grateful for all of you, because as soon as I simply posted that I needed help, in the back of my mind before even reading it, I knew it was there. And then I read them and ordered that glass of water and some food.

you know, when my doctor first looked at my bloodwork years ago and told me I have to quit and I did for a while, and when he asked me if I drank, I said I did and I told him why, he said no excuses! He said you’re gonna have good and bad things happen all the time in life. A wedding, a funeral, Romantic, disappointments, job, promotions, no excuse! At the time I thought he was a little harsh, but he was right. You know I wrestled and coached competitively. And one thing I used to tell my wrestlers at the end of the day is, winning and losing are temporary conditions. It’s what you do after them that defines you. Sounds like I need to be listening to those words myself more. So now I’m having my coffee just thinking about how awful I would’ve felt physically and most of all how disappointed I would’ve been in my self. And, those little successes actually led to more so I have a big day today. One of my appointments is dark and early this morning. If I would have Drank, all my success would have fallen out from under me. Thank you again! Sorry, I bothered you all! Bobby