Walking away from Cigarettes 《《

Yesterday at 6PM I finished my LAST ONE. I walked down to a childhood spot of mine known as the Salk Creek trestle (ironically the same spot i tried my first puff approx. 19 years ago.)
This time feels different - and ive done this a MILLION times. I Just passed my 24-hour-mark.
Anyone else quitting smoking at the moment?


Good for you Shane! There’s a thread with a bunch of folks quitting nicotine here:

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Great job on getting the first 24 out of the way. Theres a thread here where others quiting nicotine congregate. Join in and vent as needed. The folks there helped me get to 1 yr free from smoking/vaping after a 20yr havit


hey Shane - congrats man. i’m with you. i’ve had a lot of day 1s too and today is my last. been smoking for about 13 years. hit my last one yesterday evening and just hit my pillow tonight after a smoke-free day. just need to do the same thing tomorrow. we got this :muscle:t4:


Doing Day 4💪 im still Smoke•free!

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SAME!!! :star_struck::star_struck::clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:woohoo!

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