Was anyone ever able to successfully social drink again?

I used to socially drink just fine. But after my divorce is when binge drinking started. My therapist thought I needed a 2 week reset but I think it’s worse. My goal is a year. Is it unreasonable to think I can get back to “normal”? I wasn’t a daily drinker just over drank too often.


I will just say this my drug of choice was meth. I have been clean many times and used to drink on occasion and with no problems. After my life got messy from all the horrible decisions and shame and guilt from my drug use I found I cant even drink without either going overboard or feeling guilt for doing it. It has more than once lead me to relapse on meth. I think that for me once I realized the reason that I drank and used was to avoid my emotions and lifes problems, and escape from the pain I had caused, I realized that it will never going to bring anything good to my life. Now knowing all this to be true, I still wonder the same thing you do, and even get resentful if I’m in a setting were others are drinking because I cant. I know in my heart that drinking will being me pain and misery. The greatest obsession of mine is to be a functional addict and have no problems or issues occurring from it, but that is simple just not who I am or what will happen. Understand that and being honest with myself is must if I ever wanna heal from all the pain. Everyone is different and so idk what’s in store for you but I hope you know that you dont need to drink to have fun or be awsome.:grin::grin::grin::grin:


I understand that and being sober for a year is not going to be easy. I’ll see how it goes.

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Is moderation not allowed? Sorry I’m new. But I’m doing pure abstinence now.


Just a quick heads up that if you get too many unsubstantiated flags in a period of time that it may prevent you from obtaining regular status. I’m not sure if that’s in the forum guidelines or not, but seeing as the original post is not hidden that means the community, or moderator, did not agree with your assessment.

Also, when tagging people, put an @ before their name (no space) and it will notify them that are being tagged in a post.

Just some helpful hints!


@Englishd what do you mean about not agreeing with my assessment

Just worry about staying sober one day at a time and after doing that for a year I doubt you will even want to go back to drinking. You haven’t broken any rules. Asking if people have had success moderating (no one here has to my knowledge) is far different than encouraging others to try it.

Congrats on your newfound Sobriety!


I was referring to the other person. If you look to the tip right of my reply it will show who I am replying too

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@Englishd ha thanks. This thread helped me learn the ins and outs of app.


There’s a tutorial available. However, it’s been a minute and I forget how to access it. Some of the smarter members than I will be able to help you out.

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The little robot guy should appear in a few. He will give you a tutorial.


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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Maybe you can, maybe you can’t, only time will tell, and only if you’re willing to try.

I can tell you for myself, I cannot go back. I might be able to drink socially once or twice, but eventually I’ll go back to where I was, I always do. No reason to expect any different.


Hi pal and welcome. The answer for me is NO.

I tried every which way to drink normally again. I’m a glutton for punishment you see. I tried and tried. It always ended in oblivion for me.

Give “Chapter 3, More about Alcoholism” a google. It’s a quick read and may give you an answer or 2 about yourself


I can only share my experience. There was a time I could socially drink, but that changed several years later. I have tried over and over to drink “normally” and manage my drinking. It just got worse. So bad I had to check myself into rehab, for which I am so grateful.


Eh after a year you may just find you dont see the point in socially drinking.


No not at all!!!


Hmm. It’s odd to me that you only started drinking too much after a divorce. Do you get a few drinks in and get sentimental? That happened to me a lot. But I was always overboard with drinking. Just like you not daily.

You might be able to go back but frankly learning to live without it is better. Society plays up how great poisoning yourself is.


I can’t ever. Tried it and it didn’t work. Loose my 5 years of sober days because of it. I definitely believe in this quote:
We are changed, our brains are changed. That’s why we can never be a moderate drinker if we crossed that line of being a alcoholist.


The people i know in all my sober years who decided to go out and try social drinking are in the local grave yard .