@MeVsMe just said it. This forum is called TalkingSober for a reason. The people that are here, are here for a reason and that’s not to practise social drinking. Until now I’ve seen literally no one succeed in drinking socially here. I’ve seen quite a few announcing they could and were going to do it, and out of that quite some returned telling that they couldn’t. Nobody until now came back saying it was working for them. Not saying you can’t @slim.shieldsy . But I’m not going to try myself. I don’t want to and I don’t need to. I know I want and need to stay sober because life is much better for me sober and clean and I am sure that one would take me right back to where I was which was in a very deep hole which got progressively deeper each day.
I got a good friend and old drinking buddy who turns out to be a social drinker since the bars here have been closed for months now. He doesn’t drink at home, just on social occasions, like 2 or 3 nights a week in the bar. Or at festivals or concerts and all that stuff we haven’t had for about a year now. To me it’s hard to believe and to fathom. But he didn’t drink for months, and is still yearning very much for the bars to open up again. So he can go and drink 40 (no joke) units of beer and jenever a night socially at the bar. To each their own I guess.
I don’t personally know anyone who has successfully moderated after working hard to get sober. I know I can’t, I drank to get drunk. I’m free because I’m sober, I don’t miss it a bit.
I too love Doc Martens. I got my first pair on December last year, didn’t know of I’d actually wear them, they are now my preferred choice in footwear!
No. No. and more No!! You are to Stay Sober! No Social Drinking! That is Not working Your Program!!
Your Still Using!!!
Just think about this!!
That was a statement from the past!.. and yes I could drink socially and PRETEND I was a normal drinker, but when the social circle disappeared,or after social interactions I was left with just me still drinking and using…do you get that now?.. social is just pretending to be part of…it’s the anti social behaviour that goes hand in hand that is the dark side…just a perspective that I see today…so to socially drink would be to anti socially drink yes…but I could ‘play act’ social drinking quite successfully without anybody questioning my behaviour,it’s what wasn’t social that was the problem.
I was sober for four years from 2015-19. Never really found it challenging. We then did a tour of Europe and I drank on the tour without issue. The structure of the group tour and being out of my home element made it easy to drink socially.
When we returned home I didn’t drink at all. Then started only having one beer when out to eat. Then it was two. Slowly sliding it was soon buying a six pack while out on errands and coming home with a good buzz.
I have been able to for 6 months. I’ve been able to go to bars and have one beer and leave it at that. I’ve shocked myself and not even finished them too! Lol. All until this weekend and I blew it I have full confidence it was just a slip though and I’ll be right back to sobriety.
I was wondering the same thing as the OP.
But I’m way too scared to find out.
Watching my brother about to go into detox with severe cirrhosis, I am extremely reluctant to test my social "normie " drinking.
you’re the one who doesn’t get it hazy! I’m sorry to say! Please believe me that I’m not yelling at you! But social drinking is using end of story! That’s just the way it is if you want to be sober you can’t drink.! So she’ll drinking is using!!
IF anyone was successfully able to do this they wouldn’t be here on this forum, reading this post. As for the people grasping at straws and hoping it’s possible, best wishes to you on your journey.
That was me too…for a while. I stopped drinking in September 2018. It didn’t even feel all that difficult. I had a half glass of wine the following July and didn’t even finish it. I thought maybe I just needed a “reset.” That summer I had a beer here, glass of wine there. It seemed I could moderate. Six months later, I was right back where I had been. I hope this does not happen for you, but your recent episode is concerning.
Especially when I read your post from March of last year, where you seemed to gain insight from a similar incident. (Linked below)
I truly hope you are that rare unicorn who can moderate. But I will say that my therapist laughed at me (in the most loving way) when I proposed moderation as a goal early in my journey.
I stopped drinking again in October 2019. In june 2020, two glasses of wine on separate occasions led fairly quickly to two bottles. I know who I am now. I don’t drink.
I don’t drink socially or unsocially …I was just putting forward a perspective. There’s obviously not one without the other with an addict. I was just playing with the word ‘successfully’ in the social context. . If it’s socially drinking ‘without’ unsocially drinking then no I’d never done or be able to do that!.