We need to laugh. Make it happen

You’re entirely correct; self-esteem has consistently been my largest barrier in the struggle for sobriety. Precious little on the subject comes up in meetings or the literature. I’ll make it, though! :wink:
Stay strong!

Ha ha ha. Thanks for making me laugh. I need it

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This made me giggle. I probably click more often than that though. lol


A floof with wings :hushed:

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Found my favorite spoon tonight while making gravy! Had to share lol



That’s a beaut!!!


Bahaha!!! Yes!!! (And I still sing them wrong on the songs I learned long ago!)

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“There’s a bathroom on the right…” :rofl::joy:

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I have the same silverware set😀. I love the squigglies

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I absolutely LOVE it!! I have it all stored away now except a few stragglers, I put everything of value away years ago but it’ll be coming back out soon enough! :heart_eyes:

Lol I lost one of the spoons. I was super bummed :joy:

That’s exactly why it all went away. Pretty expensive set to play in the dirt outside with and lose lol


Even worse when you’re german lol. I used to sing completely wrong (english songs) :joy::joy::rofl::joy:

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There’s this one pop song, I knew the lyrics were different, but in my head it sounded like “I’m a-singing the sounds of Microsoft, I’m a-singing the sound of Microsoft”. I don’t even know what the song is called, but it was popular at one point, still plays in grocery stores, and someone told me that those lines were actually in Spanish or something, lol.

I’m absolutely terrible with lyrics. I can hear something 30 times but if I don’t listen at least once for lyrics only, studying lyrics with all my brainpower, I’ve got no chance knowing how to sing it.

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It boggles my mind how people understand songs in Mandarin and other tonal languages, because you have to compromise your tones or your tune or both. So once a syllable gets put into a song, you generally have no idea which of the tones it was supposed to have… multiply by every syllable in the song… I can’t imagine trying to understand any English songs if all the vowels got changed to ‘a’… I guess lyrical and thematic context would help