Weekend support - mentor? Anyone?

Good morning, or evening, everyone!!

I am writing this now whilst I am motivated and know that I desperately want my sober life.

I have been far more present in this forum for the last 6 weeks or so and my drinking has completely reduced. It’s been awesome. What I haven’t managed to achieve yet however is a totally clean streak. I’ve had a bottle of wine on a Saturday. Or a couple of pints of cider with my husband etc. Not loads and I haven’t been spiralling but I really want to get totally clean.

Weekends are totally my vice. So I was wondering if anyone - If you’re not all mad busy over the weekend with your families - fancies supporting me through my - hopefully - first clean weekend?! Just for some accountability and support in my weak moments.

Sorry to put this on y’all and be a burden but really don’t think I can do this alone :disappointed_relieved:


You definitely are NOT a burden and well done for being present enough to know your weakness. Unfortunately I’m at work both days until 4pm but reach out to everyone like you are now bc one person’s words may stay with you more than another’s. There is strength in numbers, wish you a happy sober weekend.


@Becsta @Dolse71 thank you both for replying and you support. And you are both quite right. I can just post on this thread when I’m having a wobble and hopefully there’ll be soMeone around to help.
My husbands still drinking and doesn’t understand my desire to go completely clean so having somewhere else to go for support is invaluable :grin:


Hi Ambler, I’m on the east coast, so morning to me, actually 6 am. I agree with previous post. Keep reaching out, someone will be here to respond. I’m not doing much over weekend with this lockdown, so you can always reach out. I know it’s difficult wanting to get clean while living with a partner who doesn’t share same desire. But very doable, because this you are doing for yourself. I’ve known a few couples who had a successful marriage even after one decided to go n stay clean while the partner continued to drink. N your not a burden, we are all in this together to support each other.


Hi Ambler. Awesome that you reached out for support. That’s what the app is for. There is a live online zoom meeting for people here on the Talking Sober App tomorrow (Saturday) at 1PM central time (Chicago) if you are interested there is a thread about it with the details.

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@Matt just told me about the meeting. I have never attended one but plan to this Saturday. @Ambler, wanna join with me?

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I feel ya on this one! Happy to keep each other in check this weekend if you are down! Friday and Saturday nights are when I’m most vulnerable to “just one glass of wine” and then it turns into a whole bottle or more :confounded:. Feel free to message me!
My plans this weekend are:
Friday afternoon - take my dog to the dog park and go for a run
Saturday morning- get up early for a hike, nap during the day, bon fire and grill at night (major vulnerable time right here)
Sunday- who knows!

Hang in there… we can do it!

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Hey @Roundkick thanks for getting in touch. Wow. I mean. That sounds amazing. But I don’t know if I’m ready or confident enough yet for a meeting - even if it’s only online. That sounds so lame doesn’t it?! :disappointed_relieved:
I’m in UK so don’t know what time that would be for me? If my husband knew he’d think I was being ridiculous :roll_eyes:

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@Jimieg thank you for replying :slight_smile: I will definitely try and keep active on this forum over the weekend. I think it’s the only chance I have to get through it totally sober.
My hubby doesn’t think we have an issue with alcohol. Certainly not enough to go this far and join a forum etc. Are we alcoholics? I dunno but what I do know is sometimes alcohol is an issue for me and that’s all that matters isn’t it?

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Hi @Ambler! Good for you for reaching out. Identifying your triggers is a HUGE step towards figuring out how to quit. I would put a lot of focus on that and then maybe come up with a toolbox to help you along when those triggers approach.

I’m going to add to this broken record and suggest coming on here and posting, check in, comment, read. This is a super active group and someone is always on and ready to help.

Good luck! You got this!!


YES!! @lovelife it’s like you’re in mind! Exactly the same. Vulnerable to one glass. Ends up being a whole bottle… :woman_facepalming:t3:
Fire and grill would DEFO be a weak spot for me too. Anything sorta outdoorsy as well.
It’s VE Day and lots of street parties happening here. It’s so tempting to grab a glass and go join in!
I’ve been on 3 walks today and done an online HIIT workout. I’m trying desperately to keep busy and currently drinking an alcohol free beer… :grimacing: (I know some people will say what’s the point and they don’t help)

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I sincerely get it. I have been talking about joining a meeting for weeks but have been too nervous to actually do it. I think I am going to give it a try. I will let you know how it goes!


Hi everyone. Husband has just gone to the shop to get himself some beer he asked ‘do u want a drink?’ And I said ‘no thank you I’m fine’ with my glass of sparkling water. Feeling much better now. Think I might be able to manage Friday night at least. Craving has gone. Let’s see what tomora brings.


Hi @Ambler I’m feeling the same way, thanks for responding to my first post, it helps to know there is someone else. Good job on passing on the drink, one weekend victory already! :slight_smile:


Exactly, all that matters. How you feel about it n obviously you no longer want it in your life. That’s the first step, then reaching out which you’ve done. Your married, sharing love n a life together, but still your an indevidual with your own needs desires hope’s n dreams. Right now you need n desire to sustain from alcohol. That’s a choice you made. We have all had n continue to have our journeys, happy you are here sharing yours.


That’s so good to hear you passed on the drink! Keep it up! That’s awesome! Just take each moment as it comes and remember why you want to do this. It’s soooo worth it.

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@Roundkick yes please let me know how you get on :+1:t2: have a blessed day :grin:

Thank you @Takemetothebeach :grin::grin::grin:
Once the craving had passed I make myself a big cup of camomile tea and I didn’t even want a drink anymore and went to bed super proud of myself.
Waking up this morning feeling refreshed. Playing with my toddler in bed, opening the curtains to bright sunlight and all the potential the day has to bring was wonderful.
I know come late afternoon I’ll start to struggle again. I’ll get some exercise in and keep focusing on hour by hour.
You guys are such a great help!


Morning! Don’t know where in the UK you are but hopefully the sun is shining for you :high_brightness:

What’s your plan for this afternoon?

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Ahh that’s awesome!! Doesn’t it feel sooo good when you do it? Like you can just tackle anything, tackle the WORLD. Gold star :star: whoo hoo!

Eventually that feeling of struggling every single weekend just disappears. For me I didn’t really notice it right away. I looked back a couple days later like *dang I didn’t even think about drinking all weekend. * It snuck out of my life just how it snuck into it.

Just one more day and you will have gotten through an entire weekend. YOU GOT THIS. Keep checking in today. Do what you did yesterday but if it feels like it’s not working don’t be afraid to do something different. My biggest obstacle was trying the same things every day and failing. I had to really listen to my inner self because the same thing didn’t always work.

Good luck and enjoy your day. Be proud. HUGE accomplishment :heart: