Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

First post hear, started my weight loss journey about 8 months ago. Heaviest I was 265 got down to 210 and now I’m back up to 220. Was doing great with fitness and eating then I went on vacation and haven’t gotten back in my routine. My goal weight is 160 :open_hands:t4: I have recently stopped drinking and ready to get back to it.


Great job with your recent sobriety - keep at the healthy lifestyle and i’m sure the results will follow. :muscle:

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191.2 lbs.
stressful moving weight loss. Kinda makes me want to hit that 190 mark. But I am good where I am. Real good.


Son of a biscuit! Im up 3lbs this week and my measurements increased too. :frowning: this week i increased my exercise but also increased my calories. Im officially behind target for my healthywager challenge. Im not feeling good about this :frowning:

Fuckkkkk why is weightloss so hard?!


…during this time youve also quit your vape! Dont get disheartened… i think you are an absolutely AMAZING LADY and a big inspiration to me :heart:


78.6kg today. I started at 82 last month and aiming for 74 so i’m 42 percent of the way. It’s slow though.


Thanks @Starlight14 its a journey for sure


Hang in there. There could be any number of reasons for an increase including hormones and giving up the vape.


Thanks for the pep talk @Deelzebub and congrats on your progress!


I feel you, that’s so frustrating.

Husband was just having video call with his mother and my lovely MIL asked if I’m pregnant again cause I’m so big… Such a great joke, “joke”, fucking queen of comedy.


Thats low!

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That’s horrible :scream:

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I hear ya CJ.
What Kelly said.
You’ve made so many healthy life style choices. And you are kicking ass of the vape. You’re sober and I believe weed free. I feel if it were me I’d adjust the weight loss goal p, maybe even get rid of that healthy wager thing. You’ve put a lot of pressure on yourself. You’re doing so well. This is not a slip or anything. Possibly when you have more no vape time under your belt things will improve some more.
Keep up the great work. You’re doing great!!
How’s your water intake these day? Are you drinking enough water?


Nah- that shit aint funny. Sorry love. Dont listen to that garbage. You are doing great and looking beautiful :heart_eyes:


Im my worst critic for sure! Ive decide im gonna keep working out and goal of 1700 calories this week and we’ll see how that goes. Im appealing to my curiousity and treating it as an experiment.

About 100oz a day of water and thats tough


I never know how much water a day we need. A lot of times, in the stress of life, I know I tend to forget to drink water. I swear that’s why I get headaches. And I do know it helps with weight loss.

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My gym trainer said 1.5x your body weight in ounces. But my cousin,a doctor, said that much could be toxic

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Weighing in this monday at 221.2 lb. Last Monday I was 222.6 lb so I’ve lost a little weight. Going in the right direction anyway :slight_smile:


you are awesome Dana - you’ve been working so hard and its great so be seeing the results :clap:


77.6kg this morning. I have mixed feelings about this as my appetite has been poor and anxiety and depression feels as if it’s looming. It is more than half way to my goal of 74kg however.