Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

I am still only 2lb down, but I have lost at least an inch and my clothes are looser so pleased with that. I think I am top of the exercise, the diet is still a work in progress. Holiday time is hard though. Back to school should make it easier, once I get through 2 birthdays and a wedding anniversary :grin:


I hope this is ok to vent. I have officially lost over 10 kg now. I am the lowest weight I have been for years, definitely since the pandemic and getting sober. Probably since having my daughter (who is now 10 lol). And my husband hasn’t said one word. I mean, I am grateful he never mentioned the weight gain, so maybe it is hypocritical to want him to notice the weight loss. But the weight gain happened gradually, and the weight loss has been since the start of this year. Surely it is noticable? Of course I wanted to lose weight for me, but the lack of interest on his part is bothering me a bit for some reason.


Congrats! I hope you feel as amazing as you look!

Im not a fan of your hubby. You deserve to be treated like a queen. Sorry i couldnt keep that to myself.


this would upset me too. Only natural to want to be noticed especially when you’ve worked so hard on yourself.
From the pics that i have seen - you look fantastic Flo. I want to congratulate you on your weight loss (i know its not easy).

I am with CJ on not being a fan of the hubby. You do deserve love and admiration.

Keep up the amazing healthy lifestyle!


Eek :scream:
Up 5, I think. 196.1 lbs.
Drunk wife, moving, stress eating ends Monday!! I know what I got to do.


yeah you do! hoping that with things calming down that all will just melt right off (could just be the stress water retention) :wink:

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Im checking in hopeful this week. The number on the scale is down! I may have found my winning mix of food and exercise. Fingers crossed. Im greatful that number is headed in the right direction! My measurements look good too!

Persistence is key


Ask him? If he knows that you were working hard to lose it, it would be nice if he applauded you. But he didn’t or hasn’t.
Maybe he preferred you heavier. Some guys do.
Maybe he doesn’t notice it that much. Some guys don’t.
Even husbands.

Don’t have your feelings hurt.

Be proud of yourself for you losing what you wanted to lose.

It’s made you feel better physically and mentally.

Maintain that good feeling.

And ask him, dear husband of mine, did you notice that I lost some weight? ( I took out the ‘hey, dude’ intro )

See what his answer is. Maybe he’ll say I love you anyway you are. Who knows what he’s going to say until you ask him.

Some men just are in their own little cave.

And he could feel threatened. He could feel like you’re getting yourself all fixed up and then you’re going to move out and leave him.


Killing it CJ - so happy to hear that this new routine and diet plan are showing positive results. Persistence really is the KEY - :muscle:

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Monday weigh in. The number on the scale wasnt a surprise to me. I gained about 1m4 lbs over the past week but i also havent been following a steady eating plan and have faltered here n there. Current weight is 223.4lb I seem to always hover around the low 220s. I want to break that and get below the 220s. I am determined lol


76.7kg this morning which is a BMI of 25 finally.


Wow, amazing well done :clap: I am so desperate to get there, feels like a huge milestone!


Thats awesome Delia!! :clap::clap:

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195.8 lbs.
going in the right direction.
Course I want it faster :grimacing:
But happy enough about it.


I may have broken my plateau!! Down 1.7lbs this week and broke my lowest weight from aug 1st. So greatful to see progress. Im putting alot of work into this!

142 days to lose 18.3lbs and meet my healthywager goal. Thats 0.9lbs per week.

Back on track baby. Gotta stay committed!


This is amazing!!! Way to go CJ…I am thrilled to see your hard work paying off :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thanks @JazzyS

Its morally defeating when you dont see results from your efforts. Gonna enjoy feeling proud today. Did the math and ive lost 40lbs since 12/30/22 when i decided to start a healthier lifestyle.


195.4 lbs.
not sure if I maintained.
Went up.
Or down.
Must be a good thing. Always prefer to go down though.

Edit. Went down a “skosh”


Lost 1.5lbs this week. headed in the right direction!! Greatful to see progress.


List 4lbs this week. I’m at 269.5.

I finally broke 270 after being 283 for a long time