Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

What a lovely feeling when you can finally break that number that’s not been budging – WAY TO GO! :clap:

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Awesome progress!

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Congrats Maria- what a great feeling
I love when we are finally able to break through that stubborn number. Thankfully there are plenty of hiit gyms around - hope you find the right fit for you.


Really good progress here everyone, well done :clap:

The scales are finally starting to go down now for me. I started the gym almost 3 months ago and only just going down now (I have been seeing reduction in inches though). I am so close to tipping under 11 stone, need to try and ignore all these cravings for food now the autumn weather has hit!


My weight is unfortunately stable but Idont give up.
Check this out, 1 week without sweets/snacks :partying_face:


Amazing! That is my major downfall. Can eat very healthy meals and then unhealthy treats and snacks after as a treat.


Exactly this! I used to call it ‘balanced diet’ :sweat_smile:


Congrats on your 1 week milestone of no sweets /snacks @Mischa84

Love that you are finally seeing results on the scale @JennyH - I know you have been working hard for months :muscle:


I gained every kg back that I lost. It’s so frustrating guys :sob:
I’m often inflamed what maybe causes this, I don’t know 100% but it’s what makes the most sense in my case.
So back to 100% glutenfree and more veggies, less processed stuff. I know it’s possible, I’ve been there.
I have to repeat in my head that I don’t hate my body for being like that, it does its best to keep me alive. But today it’s hard.


Oh Sabrina – I so feel your frustration love and do think it is related to the inflammation.

Are you gluten intolerant or have you checked out why your body is inflamed? I am working on this right now myself and haven’t found any answers yet but not giving up hope.

I know you are beautiful and you definitely should not hate your body. You will get back to where you feel comfortable but do know that you are gorgeous just as you are. :hugs:


I’m not gluten intolerant but when I eat too much I start to bloat. As someone with Hashimotos I shouldn’t eat much (better nothing) of it.
I feel better without :blush:
Sadly I do love bread and pasta :sob:
To feed my bread craving I already made an oat bread this morning :yum:


Dang :grimacing:
Thought I lost this week, but up just a tad to 196. Lbs.
been adding LDL lowering walnuts to my fruit but they are high in calories. Couldn’t have been the fried chicken and mash potatoes and gravy or chicken pot pie. Or the spaghetti bolognese I ate this week :scream: Shit. Guess I’m grateful I’m 196.


Sunday weighin time. I get so nervous before weighins. I lost 0.8lbs this past week. Of course i wish it was higher but im happy with progress.

16lbs to go by end of january so i can get my $$$$


I weighed myself at the gym, and I was a tiny bit, but still a bit, under 11 stone :partying_face:

It feels like all of a sudden it is working. Like pushing a heavy stone, once it starts moving it keeps going. I am the heavy stone :grin:


that’s great news Jenny – keep working it :muscle:

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I’m on day zero again (extra added sugar shit).
Starting again. Right now. Not looking back.
My weight didnt change last 3 months, maybe just a little bit (like half kg) so I have to try something new. Intermittent fasting, 16:8. Basically, I just have to skip, or postpone, morning smoothie. Usually after 19 I don’t eat anyway. I don’t know if it will change anything, I’m totally aware my biggest problem is sugar, but I download some app helping with fasting and who knows :slight_smile: TS app changed my life, maybe new app gonna change my eating habits :wink:


Good luck with it all. I had an app for that and loved it. It told me which stage I was in at various points, really motivating. I do really well with fasting, stops the mindless eating and highs and lows that causes. I had to give up annoyingly as apparently fasting can make gallstones worse, and as I have to have my gallbladder out it wouldn’t work for me.


Thank you so much.

Oh no, how bad you found something that works for you but you can’t use it anymore :frowning:
I’m definitely giving it a try. It sounds like it can work for me too

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Today marks 9 months since i made an active decision to change my lifestyle and incorporate healthier eating and exercise!

I started slow with walking Boscoe a couple times a week and now 9 months later i love going to my gym classes 5-6 days a week. I ordered a $20 scale off amazon which was linked to a food tracking app. I started '“tracking my weightloss journey” 12/30/22 and weighed 216.8lbs. Last sunday i weighed in at 174.3lbs. A total loss of 42.5lbs since ive been tracking.

15lbs to my healthy wager weightloss goal by 1/31/24.

My mood is better, my energy is better, my confidence is better. Quitting my DOC gave me hope that with time i will get better. At times it seems slow but in retrospect ive accomplished alot in 9 months. Onward and upward my weightloss buddies


Good decision @Mischa84 to give this intermittent fasting a try. It really works for me. Like @JennyH mentioned it stops the mindless eating and that was one of my worst problems just snacking around all day and night. This 16:8 model just keeps me a bit more focused on when and what I eat.
Good luck with it! :+1: