Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

Made it to 265lbs. I’m on a roll


Way to go!! @J_Lo_Ste

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Hi lovely peeps, im starting back on my weight loss journey here, im on a healthy eating plan to lower my cholesterol levels do thought id rejoin this thread too, so my starting weight is 11 stone 8 lbs :heart:


Ive seen your meals on the foodie thread. Hows the change in diet going?

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I need to get in on this.

In the past few years, I’ve gained about 25 pounds.

My biggest issue is that I hurt, all the time. My joints (ankles, knees, hips, lower back, shoulders and elbows) are tight and hurt. When I try moving, it seems ot takes weeks to recover, making it difficult to continue any regular activity.

I started stretching a little and it feels like it helps. Maybe starting small is the best way to go, at my age.

If I could lose 20 pounds by summer, I’d be so happy. :blush:


Have you looked into yoga? Hatha yoga is really gentle and helps with mobility

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I do Pilates Reformer.
I don’t know if you have access, most people don’t, to a reformer, but it’s helped me tremendously. Every time I started working out again at a gym or fitness center or even dumbbells at home I’d hurt myself. You would probably need to take beginner classes. But it’s been great for me. Very low impact and tons of stretching and core work. And not the kind of core work that hurts your back either.


Same! I used to gym all the time, but after turning 40, I feel like I aged ten years over night. Simple weight training started hurting, more than sore muscles, hurt like I was tearing ligaments and stuff.

I’ll comtinue with my daily stretching, then try some yoga like @Cjp recommended.

Also, maybe I should see a doctor. Maybe I have some joint/bone disease like my mom had. Just gotta figure out how to get a doctor… baby steps.


I did yoga for a bit too. It was really hard. I’m not very flexible, but I did get a trainer. A yogi :woman_in_lotus_position: she got me to use a lot of props so I wouldn’t hurt myself and not get discouraged. It helped a lot. But when I got rid of the yogi I slowly stopped doing it. It did feel good though. After. There are mat Pilates work outs too. It’s a lot of stretching but a bit easier in my opinion than yoga.

I hope it’s not a bone joint issue. Sucks getting old. Better than the alternative I reckon.


Yeah good, at the minute im enjoying trying new things but i know what im like i throw myself into things with both feet then get bored quickly so i need to make myself have some staying power with it this time :heart:

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Same here. Atleast you have a goal of the next dr checkup to work towards

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Weightloss dudes and dudettes i broke 170lbs!! I usually weighin on sundays but i had an extra weighin with my trainer and im at 169.9lbs. YAYYYY Its crazy how weight fluxes around a womens cycle but hell yeah im headed in the right direction


That’s awesome CJ! :raised_hands::raised_hands: Keep doing what you’re doing…:muscle:


Yes definitely, congrats on breaking the 170! Youve done so well :heart:

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:arrow_up: 196.4 lbs.
travel weight :grimacing:


Sunday weighin…
Technically down from last sunday but back over 170lbs. :frowning: two steps forward, one step back is still forward progress. I have to remind myself of that.


Good news…my smaller bigger swimsuit fits well now! Baby steps


That’s awesome sauce! Way to go CJ

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I lost and then gained the same 5-10 lbs. In the midst of a really hard breakup. Haven’t been tracking but have at least been going to the gym every day so I am building muscle.


Hello, I have lost more weight (seeing 68kg) not entirely sure how as I have had a week off the diet and gym due to stress (back on it today). It may be that I ate less than usual due to stress, or possibly losing some muscle. No idea, will pick things back up and hopefully continue making progress. Not too far off healthy bmi now.