Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

Hello. I need some accountability guys !! Can I join you lovely people? I’m thinking a weekly weigh-in here might be good.

Goal : 11st
Mini-goal: 12st (top end of healthy BMI).

So here we go !

WEEK 00: 12st 7lb



Weigh in (meant to put this after a week) but anyway im 11st 6lbs, thats 2lbs down on when i started.


PreTravel PreHoliday weigh in.
196.6 lbs
I wish I had more wiggle room.
Let’s be kind to ourselves if we go over a bit with the Holidays.


Damn. No change in weight this week. Atleast i didnt gain. Somethings gotta give…clocks ticking


Started at 215 2 weeks ago i want 190 i am 208.2 this morning.:+1::ok_hand::muscle::checkered_flag:


Gahhhh I am at 157. I worked really hard in Sept and October to get down to 146 and put it all back on through binge eating during this breakup. I’ve decided to get my shit together and get some help and focus on self care which includes not binging.


So basically since problems with my neck begun, I’m not only not working out but also eat junk, a lot of junk food. Last month I gained back all that inches I lost since July. Fucking great.
Every day I want to start to eat better but there is to much “fuck it” in me.
I need a plan. I need motivation.

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Your progress still counts! It’s not a do-over. One thing I heard lately that resonated with me: every decision you make is enforcing neutral pathways. Every good decision makes the next good decision that much easier. And every poor decision makes you more likely to make a poor decision next time. So even if current you wants to say fuck it, give future you the chance to do better. Hang in there. Are you able to access PT for your neck?


You are right, thank you.

I have appt with physiotherapist in exactly 1h 10min :slight_smile: My first visit.

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Hope your appointment was helpful or at least informative! I have several chronic joint/tendon injuries so I’ve been through it!

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It was informative and also those informations were pretty good for me. By the info from x-ray photos and checking my motion etc physiotherapist concluded it’s most probably not hernia. That cussion thingy between bones in my spine is to thin (C5-C6) and it’s pinching the nerve, but by the positions in which I feel most pain he said probably it’s not hernia. Which is good news I suppose :slight_smile: I got green light for jogging, as long as it won’t make pain in the neck. It might, but also not, I must check. Today I have 4 mini humans at home (3 mine + one extra) so I will try tomorrow. If it won’t rain :sweat_smile:
What I must not do is swimming unfortunately. Generally I must avoid turning my neck back. I mean looking up xD I don’t know how to describe it :wink: So some yoga poses is no-no and swimming. He also made some manual therapy tricks on me but to be honest it hurts the same like before. Next appt Tuesday.
So no more excuses. I’m gonna start working out gently. I also want to add more veggies, beans, greens to my diet. Cut sugar intake. Tomorrow morning gonna check my weight, measure waist, and start over :slight_smile: I know I should start NOW but yeah, not gonna lie, I made some pancakes for kids and I ate way to many xD So tomorrow is day zero.


Went to two different high intensity gym classes today. That mf’in scale better budge this week


Girl you are looking fierce!!

it better budge if it knows whats good for it :laughing: - you are kicking ass with your routines - should be proud :muscle:


Thanks for your support @JazzyS

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Weigh in at 11st 5 thats 3lbs down :blush:


@Cjp & @Starlight14 nice work :heart: x


WEEK 01: 12st 5.5lb [-1.5lb]

I was hoping for a little more off this week as I’ve worked really hard (diet & exercise).
But slow and steady is good (I guess :unamused::rofl:) X


Well done Louise 1-2 lbs a week is best plus if your exersising more you could be building extra muscle which weighs heavier than fat :heart:


Thanks Kelly :heart:. I know you’re right. I need to work on being less impatient :wink: X

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You know…ive been pondering this the last few weeks…patience is something i feel like ive had to relearn in sobriety…nothing happens quickly but as ive gone along the rewards that patience gives you sobriety wise are tenfold so now that i know that and have grown from it i feel like i can use that new skill in other areas of my life like weightloss, sobriety itself has given me the confidence to know that with patience you can get those results, if we can get sober we can do anything right?xx