Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

You’re exactly right.
I think we were conditioned to getting an ‘instant effect’ with our DOC; it takes some time to relearn that meaningful results take time, but are all the better for that.
Despite my desire to instantly reach my goal weight (:wink:) I’m generally much more patient and relaxed. Things that I used to find very stressful and anxiety-inducing are much more manageable now. I still have lots of work to do though.
So yes I totally agree - we can do this !! :muscle: X


I still have work to do too, i think we are constantly learning as we go along but isnt it great that we can recognise this stuff and use it in other areas of our lives :blush: glad im on this journey with you :heart:

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Ahhh right back at you Kelly :people_hugging::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: X

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Dreading the Saturday weigh in after Thanksgiving but, I gained only a pound. So far :grimacing: I’ll take it.
197.6 lbs.
if I can just stay under 200 for the Holidays I’ll be pretty happy.


Mannn i really thought stepping up my gym game would make more of an impact on the scale. Only down 0.5lb this week. Still down but not the results i needed. 2m 4 days until my final weighin 10lbs to go.

I need a fucking miracle


Maybe you are burning fat but also gaining muscles, that’s why weight is stubborn. Maybe to much power training, if your main goal is weightloss :moneybag::wink:
Just thinking
Did you try spinning class?


74.1kg this morning which is pretty much my goal weight. I feel good about that.


Ive been discouraged by the lack of weightloss progress the past month so i want to pause and reflect and appreciate how far ive come!

Since 12/30/22 ive lost 48lbs and 12.4% body fat. Thats amazing. Im very proud of that.

Damn never good enough thinking! Im glad my weightloss bet is almost over because im hyper stressed about weightloss. Win or lose :frowning: this bet im looking forward to just focusing on how i feel and not the scale as much


You have done amazingly! Well done. As a dieter for most of my life try to remember that the less you need to lose the harder it gets to lose it.


That’s really outstanding and a good way to think about it! Plus if you’ve been doing exercise there’s sooooo many more benefits than just weight loss. Good work!


155.6 ugh. I’ve been so distracted by my grief and just trying to function that I haven’t had the energy (or self respect) to portion or track stuff. But I don’t deserve to suffer more than I already am, so I need to change my mindset into one of self care instead of punishment. Deep breath.

Also need to remind myself of how far my sobriety has come. Almost six years free from alcohol and have only had one or two serious urges in this awful past six weeks. :muscle:


Good work @Mareika77 and doing it in early sobriety. Way to go!!

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Set mini goals! I struggle with all and nothing thinking but what helped me get back in the groove was mini goals like walk the dog 3x a week etc

We are here to cheer you on


@Starlight14 thanks kelly. You are so right

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Starting a new weight loss journey today. December 2022 - June 2023 (7 months) i lost 31 lbs. Now I want to focus on body recomposition. The goal starting off is 3 to 4 times a week full body. The first workout was good, not great, but i’m happy to just be back in the gym. I will do a better job prepping the night before, getting everything ready (clothes in the car, food in the fridge) so all i have to do is get up and go work out. I essentially did a little chest, legs, back, but i ran out of time. Good start though.


Started at 199 lbs at the beginning of November and am down to 190 lbs this morning. So far all I’ve done is changed the food I eat and using a carb counting app. My goal is 165 lbs. I need to start going to the gym again but I at least want to lose 5 more pounds before I do as it is hard on my back and knees etc. Proud of everyone here great job! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


I thought I’d share this. This is the app I’ve been using



Weigh in 11st 3lbs another 2lbs down! Yesssss!! 11lbs in total so far :blush:


WEEK 02: 12st 3lb [-2.5 lb. Total: 4lb]

Happy with that :muscle: X


Im very proud of myself for waking up very early for a saturday and doing a 7am 90min workout!

2.25mi run/walk incline
25min weights/hiit
3.5mi rowing

Hell yeah…better meet this weightloss goal damnit