Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

Thank you Eric, i know exactly what you mean…like you can eat super healthy but you dont want it taking over your whole life either…theres got to be a balance… i know i could be alot more active but i am by nature not very active lol verging on lazy at times…im sorry to hear your numbers have gone back up, its frustrating isnt it, least weve all got each other here. Sending some love and hugs your way :heart: :people_hugging:


Feeling dejected today, been eating very well, putting a couple hours per day every day in the gym. Sleeping better and of course refraining…
** **Gained a pound…
Argghhh. And I know it’s not unusual nor unexpected, I was just super hopeful now at day 24 sober and putting in work hard this past week I’d see some progress. So today, blah
But I did get two hours shovelling snow from the dump we are getting… double crap!


Could you be gaining muscle?


I am doubtful that is it. It’s okay though, it’ll balance itself out. There will be a whoosh of weight. It’s the way my body works when I’m losing weight. It just frustrates me that it just can’t be the pound or two per week
We’ll see what next Monday holds. Hitting gym for a couple hours today of weight training.
I’m happy, I was just a bit frustrated with myself yesterday after the hard work.


So…my full cholesterol has gone ftom 7.4 to 6.2, im quite dissapointed with that because its still borderline high but i suppose its only been 3 months and its going in the right direction :thinking:


That’s fantastic. It’s going in the right direction which is all we can ask for.
Steps in the right direction.


Thank you, i think i expected it to be more because ive put so much effort into eating healthy

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I am working on same thing, my cholesterol, diabetes are on the lower so hoping next blood work shows improvement in the right direction.
And I hear you as we do all this work to improve and it’s never as good as we hope, but as our sobriety is, as is our health improvements. We never got to that bad place overnight and it will take some time.
After all, we’re in a marathon and not a sprint, as long as we are improving each day by making smart choices, we win.
Best today for a healthier tomorrow


Thank you, i needed to read that, especially about the fact that it took a long time to get to the bad place so improvements wont happen over night, patience and perseverance are required :blush: i will keep plugging away. Youve made me feel alot better so thank you very much, i wish you well on your journey :blush:


Consistency is key. Thats awesome you are seeing improvement in 3mo. Keep at it and imagine the progress at the next checkup


I think i thought itd at least be in the healthy range but really speaking i had no idea what to expect…typical of me to be hard on myself…il keep trying, thanks CJ xx


Last week’s overall weight-loss was -2.2lbs, I have to be happy with that. In the middle of the week I had gained 1.4lbs for no reason at all, which was frustrating, but it came back off plus -0.8lbs more. On we go :blush:


Great to hear it has reduced.
I don’t really know how cholesterol works but as @Chevy55 says, it didn’t increase to that level in 3mo, so makes sense it would take a bit of time to reduce. Like losing weight maybe. Keep plugging away at it. I’m proud of you :people_hugging: X


Nice one Cam :muscle: X

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Thank you so much Louise :heart: :people_hugging:

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Eric, def take statins to help. That and double down with healthy eating. Just my two cents and said with love :heart: sometimes we need the help and you don’t want those plaques floating around the body.


Do you have any familial disease though as hereditary high Cholesterol doesn’t care what you eat sadly. Talk to the DR. Mine is now 4 something from nearly 8 due to statins. I eat very healthy almost 90% of the time, but couldn’t get it down without medical help.


Thank you my dear. Appreciate it.

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The truth is i dont know, my mum eats really healthy and hers is around 6 ish…i dont know about my dads side of the family because i dont know them


I suspect it’s familial. Mines thru maternal lines also, very high. Lots of heart disease as well with my grandpa passing at 54. Check with drs, mention your mum. :heart: