Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

Ok i will have a chat with the gp, how long did you try to get it down before going on statins if you dont mind me asking?


I didnā€™t, I got blue lighted to hospital with heart pains February 2021ā€¦ Took me a year from then to sort myself out and cholesterol was thru the roof! Had to fight my DRS hard as they were going off some bs metric from a yearā€™s old health assessmentā€¦ Then the truth came out thru testing and I was referred to a great lipid clinic in London. Tested regularly, started dieting, stopped drinking for 14 monthsā€¦ Took statinsā€¦ Within six months it was almost halved immediately. I make them test me now yearly, Iā€™m at 4 I think. Canā€™t take stronger statins as they made me quite sick and I got vertigo. But Iā€™m happy where Iā€™m at now.

Honestly Hun, how great you are doing with eating, I think you should see a change now if it was just dietary. Good luck, donā€™t take no for an answer.


Oh goshā€¦im so happy your ok now thats some scary stuff!! Thank you il definately speak with the gp


Looks Iā€™m I doing good. Great :+1:
Doc said everything is normal. Even though the cholesterol numbers are a bit higher all other things considered he said Iā€™m fine. He never even brought up statins. It would be good of course if I could do a little better on the numbers.

I really think my bp 112 over 80 and my weight under 200 and healthy eating factors in a lot. Especially that BP. And I swear itā€™s the Mantras. I do those mantras and chanting and meditations all the time now.

And the BBQ brisket sandwich for lunch after never tasted so good :yum: Iā€™ll be good tonight :pray:t2:


This is fantastic news Eric! I am super happy for you! Brisket sounds heavenly! Thanks so much for the update this made me smile :blush: :heart:


Awesome, as long as you are around cholesterol level 4/5 you are fine. Mine will never be that w/o the drugs. Zero chance.

But great news :pray::heart:

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Whatā€™s that 4 or 5? Is that a math thing?

I get so confused. And I can never remember my numbers. And you know. Thatā€™s just the way I am. And thatā€™s ok. And Iā€™m so tired of googling medical stuff. I did no googling this time. Just went in one on one with the doc.


We have a scale here, itā€™s like HDL/LDL ratio per mg blood or something. Here, it should be below 5. Mine was nearly 8. My step dad had 13 about fifteen years ago and had a heart attack within a few years after.

You should get your numbers really, just to be certain. Then Google safe levels of overall ratio for USAā€¦ You probably use a different scale .

We have this thing called patient EMIS here and ever single test result and medical exam is collected there, I can check my entire bloods for years and see my x-rays everything. Pretty nice to see the graphs of the numbers going down each time you get treated.


Iā€™ve lost three lbs


Seeing how its Feb 1st, i did my monthly weigh in: Lost 9.3lb

I used to weigh myself weekly (and sometimes throughout the week) but stopped doing that as it was despressing me when the scale wasnt moving fast enough. So i now weigh myself once a month.

Ive been exercising 5x/week, eating 1700 calories a day, and trying for 100gr of protein a day. So far that is working for me. I do need to increase water intake.

I was supposed to have my Body Scan assessment done today but my son is sick so had to reschedule for next week. That should give me more information about where Im at :slight_smile:

Really glad to see everyone striving to be a healthier version of themselves! We got this!


Thatā€™s impressive Dana. So happy that you are seeing positive results. :muscle:t4:

Hopefully your son gets better soon :pray:t4:


WEEK 11 : 11st 11lb [-2lb, total: -10lb]

:dancer: X


Checking in at 10.5.4.
2 more lbs and I will have lost a stone since January 2nd, very happy.


Thatā€™s awesome Pinky X


Thanks, Iā€™ve been trying really hard so itā€™s good to see results :sparkling_heart:


And Iā€™m lovin it :heart:


Nice !! I keep spying the incredible food youā€™re eating. And losing weight on it. The dream !! :heart_eyes: X

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Thank you Loulou,
I also do that intermittent fasting thingy. I donā€™t eat til about after 12 noon. And I donā€™t snack much and Iā€™m done eating by 8. Works for me. And Iā€™m back on the no sugar thingy.
Lots of walking too.


Sounds like a winning formula. Certainly paying off for you. Itā€™s really good to hear :muscle::clap::kissing_heart: X

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10 stone 12 thats a +2 :frowning: struggling a bit lately. ā€¦im very hormonalā€¦my appetite yesterday was ridiculous i just could not stop wanting to eat i had a couple of biscuits i shouldnt have had and over ate on the healthy stuffā€¦im worrying about my cholesterol being 6.2 which is stupidly making me want to comfort eat, just ugh :frowning: not a happy bunny today