Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

@Tragicfarinelli …i know your not a doctor but you seem in the know more than me about Cholesterol…will u look at this for me and tell me what you think? The top results are Oct 2023 the bottom are the ones ive just had taken 3 months later…

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Right I’m coming back, just have to do something…

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So I thought I’d start talking about my ‘be less fat’ journey on here rather than in the check-in thread, where people who don’t want to hear about weight loss could find the posts harmful.

Short history lesson on my weight. As a kid I was chubby. Since my teen years, I was always on some kind of crazy diet. In my 20s, I was skinny and objectively looked ‘hot’ but I always saw myself as huge. So there was a constant cycle of fad dieting (you name it, I’ve probably done it), losing weight, starting some workout routine then… BAM! Some crazy drug/alcohol/untreated mental health episode would throw me off. Put some weight on… get rid of it… put some more weight on… fad diet… then more weight on. You get the gist!

It didn’t help that my first husband was an arsehole who would constantly put down my looks. (The fucker was punching way above his weight and knew it, so made up for his insecurities by making me insecure.). He once told me I had an ‘old woman’s body.’ Whatever the fuck that means. I was 22 with a size 8 (UK) 22 year old body.

After my divorce, I went off the rails with my drinking and drug use, but continued the yo-yo dieting cycle too. And then… BAM! At age 29 the weight started piling, the fad diets stopped working, the weight wouldn’t stop pilling. Here’s a screenshot for reference. This how fast I put on a stupid amount. 2 years to nearly double up the me.

In 2021, I managed to lose some of it. But only about 10 kilos. Then more things (thank you, addiction for ruining my life!) happened and I kinda just… stopped worrying too much.

I started this journey on Jan 1st, officially with the calorie counting and the freeletics workouts, but I really started implementing changes back in July-ish. On my magical Croatian island there was a scale inside the pharmacy, free to just walk in and use. When I got on it I was fucking horrified to see that I got to 126 kg. Again. (thats 277 pounds or 19.8 stone or a FUCKING LOT).

When I quit drinking, I didn’t worry about my weight. My priority was to stop killing myself. So I used sugary stuff a lot to curb the alcohol cravings.

Between July and September I lost about 10 kilos, but then started comfort eating again from October onwards. And now I’m trying to get healthy again.

I’m sticking to about 1700 to 1800 calories per day and working out 4 times per week. So far, I’ve dropped 5.3 kilos (about 11 pounds) in 5 weeks, which is amazing. It’s definitely gonna slow down, but I’m aiming for about 2-3 kilos per month.

The plan is to stick to this long-term and turn it into more of a lifestyle change than a diet. So… yeah. Sorry for the overly long post about my fat arse. :joy_cat:


Glad you joined us here @Amy30 11lbs in 5 weeks is impressive. Keep up the healthier lifestyle my friend


Hi Kelly,

So, and I’m not a Dr at all just someone with OCD and a history of being overly into healthcare. My sister is a highly qualified head in ICU/HDU at a hospital as well so has helped me understand my own questions about my own test results.

Your results are going down and that’s amazing in three months from diet and hard work. You may want to ask to be tested again in three to six months to do another comparison. A Dr in the UK is not probably all that concerned about your levels given, on the premise that there are no other risk factors:

History of familial heart disease, cancer or heart attacks.

Your numbers are not bad to be honest, but still over what they ideally would be. UK healthcare doesn’t get it’s knickers in a twist about people with your numbers, so it’s really down to you to push now if you are worried about any familiar genetic issues. You are borderline ‘normal’ now and I hate that word.

Can I just ask:

Do you eat much food that is processed or not in its natural state?
Do you eat natural fats like olives, olive oils, nuts, fish, seeds?

Ldl cholesterol helps to push the bad fat out of the body so the natural fats are needed and actually cushion and protect the body. In fact cholesterol is vitally needed in the body to transfer into minerals and essential vitamins. A healthy body needs fats.

I would also say that you might be at the point now where your diet can’t do much better and you need to work on mobility and weight to push it further into the good zone. Extra body fat and weight can cause a slightly fatty liver which will have a knock on effect to cholesterol. I think I’ve lost about a fair bit since my own issues started. Walking is brilliant to get the body going. Also, water, try a habit of two litres through the day, every day.

Honestly though Kelly, your cholesterol is going on the right direction.

I would urge you to check your family history as much as possible for any worries.
Also would urge testing again before the summer to just make sure those numbers are still falling.

Fantastic job you!!


Oh thank you sooo much this is so useful, im part worried and part really interested in anything to do with health…the first lot of testing was when i was literally eating anything and everything lots of takeaways…lots of starchy fatty foods…the second result is after 3 months of eating lean chicken and fish only with lots of salad and veggies, baked potatos no mayos, switched to brown bread and i only have flora pro active spread or non, ive switched from bottled veg oil to fry light and the only cereal i eat is fruit and fibre, i eat lots of apples, now and again i make myself a spag bol with 5% fat beef mince and everything else is fresh and i use a splash of basil infused olive oil because i hate the taste of olive oil so the basil masks it. At the very start i was eating alot of overnight oats with nuts, seeds and raisins in it which iv stopped doing but need to pick back up other than that i do need to get more active that is my big downfall because i do verge on the lazy…


Yey @Amy30 my fellow rockstar!! Glad youve joined us here in the ‘be less fat’ zone :laughing:


The pound I had gained last Mon on my weekly weigh is was shed along with another pound.
So avg a pound per week last three weeks.

Slowly it’s happening. That said, inches which I haven’t measured I know have been shedding a bit faster as clothes are feeling more comfortable.

Never got any gym time unfortunately this weekend due to snow storm and soooo much shoveling, but have a 2 hour session planned for this afternoon.

Thanks for all your updates and insights, it is massively inspiring for me.


Yay ! Nice work Chevy :heart: X


Thank you very much. I’m hopeful to rack up a bit.


I lost 3 more yay


Im stagnating again at 10 stone 10 BUT today i went through my wardrobe trying on clothes ive not worn in a while…i was astounded! Loads of my clothes that id stopped wearing now fit me well again! Its like having a new wardrobe of clothes :blush: so im very happy with that. Love to you all :heart: :people_hugging:


My weight is so stubborn! I was hoping to lose a couple of pounds this week but it just won’t budge.


WEEK 12 : 11st 10lb [-1lb, total: -11lb]


Well done Lou!!xx


Thanks Kelly love :heart:
Coming off a little slower than I’d like but moving in the right direction. I’m feeling good.
If only I could cut out those syrupy coffees :face_with_peeking_eye: X


We need treats sometimes it cant take over our lives completely…long as its going in the right direction its progress! Your doing so well :heart:


Thank you :smiling_face::heart: xx


I’ve lost a stone since Jan 2nd, 6 weeks. I’m so excited.
I’m now 10st 3.2 my goal is 10st so 3 more lbs. Def can do this :sparkling_heart:


Well done Pinky, that’s incredible. You’re so close to your target :clap: X