Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

That is so cool.
That’s the success i want

Slow and steady weight loss (12lb in 14 weeks) but just compared my picture from today with Week 0. I’m thrilled with my progress. Goes to show the scales aren’t everything. Keep plugging away guys :kissing_closed_eyes: X


Impressive transformation @Louloubelle


Down .5lb this week. Happy to maintain.

Im in a weird space. After reaching my 50lb weightloss goal im not sure if i want to relax a little and maintain or continue with my regime and lose another 10lbs. I’ll listen to my body


Thank you :smiling_face: X

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Nice to see you Lulu :hugs:
I don’t recall too many sober selfies of ya.
Always nice to place the face.

Great job :+1:
Keep up the great work

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I remember that. I like to keep wiggle room. I think I do great maintaining my 195-200 but I’d honestly like to do a 190-195 maintain. But ease up n myself now and try to enjoy where I’m at. And just weigh in on Saturday.

You and me together = minus 100 pounds :scream::scream::scream::scream:
Go us.

For the longest time I’ve been afraid I’ll put it back on. But I think I’m finally maybe getting use to my new eating habits and lifestyle. Which took awhile. But being sober and using those tool with it helps.


Thank you Eric :kissing_heart: !
Yeah I don’t post selfies very often. I think I’ve posted twice in the 7 months I’ve been here :face_with_peeking_eye: X


Go us!

Im worried ill put the weight back on too! I dont wanna get too comfy. I just hear stories about gaining back whats been lost


I’ve done this many times before.

But one huge thing is

We’re Sober :heart:

I think that makes a huge difference for me. After a few drinks all inhibitions are out the window. We don’t do that anymore. Still need to be careful not to substitute food for emotional support. And we are learning how to do that to.


I’m down to 273. Lost 7lbs from 280. My highest in life. Not proud of that but hey I’m 273


I’m few days on antibiotics which I have to take every 12h. I shouldn’t take in on empty stomach so it mess up my intermittent fasting (16:8). Again I started to snack like a teenager (which I’m not, obviously :sweat_smile:), especially late when kids are sleeping. I gained some kgs and I already feel it on the way my clothes fits.
I still have 3 pills to take. I hope I won’t find any excuses and I will go back to IF after it and cut off sugar and other snacks.
I was doing so great, after weeks and weeks of stagnation my weight started going down and I fucked it up in just a 2 or 3 weeks. All is back.

I don’t want to sound stupid complaining about my weight cause I’m aware my weight is totally normal. Thing is, I really dont want to look look like 5 months into pregnancy all the time. I dont have problem with my legs or arms, but my belly is always big and I dont feel good about it.

(Fun fact: when I was pregnant with twins, I had pregnancy diabetes so I had to cut off carbs, which are basically the core of my diet (pastas, fruits, bread). I didn’t gain much weight, but my belly was HUGE! My boys were around 3kg each at the end so they weren’t small (for twins) so you can imagine how hilarious I was, short, petite and fckn big-ass belly :joy: Ahhh, memories :sweat_smile:).

Anyway, I hope next time I post I won’t feel so bad with myself anymore.

Have a good day my sober fam, love you all :green_heart:


You look great :sparkling_heart:

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I dare you to give it one more month…

It took me ages for my body to trust me again!


How about weighing yourself less often, keep doing what your doing and try maybe once a fortnight weigh in? Also are you measuring yourself?xx


Thank you Pinky :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: X

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After my first doctor visit simce I was a kid, I had an array of tests done, which I have always avoided because im a bit of a hemophobe and get bad vasovagal reactions, but I did it. The results weren’t great.

The best treatment for the issues I have is to lose weight, which entails diet and exercise.

So, I re-established my relationship with my gym. I am meeting with a trainer today to go over pricing.

I’ve been super aware of my diet, logging food, checking blood sugar, and logging blood pressure and weight.

It’s long overdue, but I’m back in the paddock and I’m doing the work.

I weighed in at 237lbs at my appointment on Feb 13, currently at 228*.

*Not a fair measurement, different time of day, scale and one I was fully clothed.


Making progress @HoofHearted just keep putting in the work. Consistency is key


I’ve been going to yoga regularly about five times a week for the past six months. My weight has been pretty stable at 75kg but I think my body fat has gone down a little (my scales say 19.5% body fat which is pretty good) My hairdresser told me I was looking really fit and thought I’d lost weight so perhaps I’ve toned up a bit. Anyway, I’m feeling good in my body at the moment.


WEEK 15 : 11st 10lb [+0.5lb, total: -11lb]

Gained. Half a pound :unamused: X

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