Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

Argh every day im 10 stone 10 pounds…its not budged for weeks now…

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Have you tried something new? You may be at a plateau where your body gets used to what youre doing. I know for me i had to try different exercises and shock my system by eating more calories on some days and less on others

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Hey y’all! I haven’t stopped working at weight loss just haven’t felt like checking in. I’ve been stuck at 151-153 lbs for a couple weeks. Work has been crazy and I have not been making time to go to the gym. I keep going over my calories by like 100-200 every day. I’m going to try to enter all my future food for the day first thing in the morning so I can see what I’m working with. Any other tips would be welcome!

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I’ve given up, at least caring. Two months, eating well, not drinking, exercising hard and regularly and while I have over 50lbs to lose on my radar, could even easily be over 80lbs if I wanted to get to my supposed perfect weight, I have not moved an inch in weight.

The fallacy of weight loss after quitting drinking is absolutely lost on me. It’s depressing.

But that all said, I enjoy working out, I enjoy sobriety and I enjoy eating well, so I will not waste anymore brain power concerning myself.

This thread is now dead :skull_and_crossbones: to me, lol. While I am happy most of you are doing well it just reinforces my abysmal failure each time I see an update.


I’m .2 lbs away from my current goal!


Whats you goal weight? @Passerina_cyanea

Hey @Chevy55 weight didnt just fall off for me when i quit drinking. I know you are super frustrated with the scale results but Keep up the exercise and healthy eating for your mind and spirit.

Thanks CJ no ive been doing much the same, il change dome things up though…thank you :heart:

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195.6 lbs
I love maintaining


I’m going to join this thread for a little bit if it’s OK. I want to lose a few pounds that I’ve put on recently before a girlie holiday I’m going on at the end of March. It will involve beach and pool time, so I just want to feel comfortable in my costume. I’ll update once a week as I don’t want to get fixated on numbers.


You are most welcome to join. Some of the Americans might want to know about this costume you’re wearing. We tend to think Halloween :ghost:
I know what what you mean though :laughing:


Weighed in this morning, 225!!


I’d like to join if that’s okay! :slightly_smiling_face:

I got out of my good habits around when I moved home, also lots of other problems. Sadly I piled on weight from that and anti anxiety meds I was put on. I had to stop those because my weight was getting out of hand. Im insulin resistant with a history of gestational diabetes. The only thing that helps me lose weight is a combination of intermittent fasting and low glycemic.

I started my weight loss journey a week ago, and don’t let my loss in a week alarm you, I’m sure it will slow down. I’m sure a lot of it is water weight. I’ve scratched out my current weight, I’m too embarrassed :disappointed:


WEEK 16 : 11st 9lb [-1lb, total: -12lb]


I’ve been taking a maintenance break, which is going well, but it’s time to get back to work!! :slightly_smiling_face: 152.2 lbs today.


I’m to ashamed to place my weight gaining here. It’s not body fat turning to muscle
Is simply gaining weight
For the first time ever, i do not like where this is headed
I’m still pushing right along
Got in two miles yesterday
Three miles day before
An average three miles a day


You are still reaping the mental and emotional benefits of exercise, regardless of what you eat or weigh!



9 lbs since February 1st… I have really become obsessed with watching the scale bc it fluctuates so much and I need to stop. I go like a week or so without seeing anything but gain and then it drops all of a sudden. When I reach my ten lb mark I’m going to plan my second cheat day as a reward.


Just think of the scale as data, check it once a day (usually mornings) under the exact same conditions, log it somewhere, and move on. Eventually you’ll have a nice set of data you can analyze for long term trends :smiling_face:


Yes!! The scales have moved!!! 10 stone 9 this morning FINALLY!!! -1 lb totalling 1 stone 5lb loss :blush::blush: