Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

Joining this thread. It helps to not do it alone!
I have 12 pounds of baby weight left to lose. I’ve been stuck here for 6 months? Just realized it’s now summer! :exploding_head:


When I quit drinking 20 lbs fell off. I had to change my diet to see more results. Good luck! :muscle:


Thank you! I love steal cut oatmeal! Have you ever tried an instapot? I used to have one in my steal cut oatmeal days and I found it made cooking them a breeze. Fruit salad with walnuts looks so yummy! :yum:


We don’t have an insta pot. Yes the fruit salad is delicious, I use pecans too, and of course honey because fruit isn’t sweet enough sometimes :crazy_face: lol

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I have passed my goal weight for before I go home for the summer. I wanted to be back in the 60s of kilos, and weighed in at 68.8 (little over 150lb) this morning.
I should feel happy, but I just feel underwhelmed. Like I still have a double chin, bumpy thighs, I don’t feel any thinner. It’s odd as when I dropped from the high 70kgs to under 75 I felt like a model! Lol.


Its funny how its all about perspective and how you feel in your skin. Congrats on meeting your goal!!


Weekly checkin… down 0.7lbs. Better than gaining. Ive also been taking measurments and ive lost 5in off my chest, waist, and hips since 12/30/22. Now thats something to be proud of!

This weeks goal increase exercise


Hell yeah lady - thats totally something to be proud of- your hard work os paying off!

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Back down to a happy 192.4 lbs.
oh sometimes it’s so good to be a guy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Geez you drop weight fast @Dazercat


I heard at WW when I went years ago that guys do loose weight faster than ladies. But I was the only guy there so maybe that was their excuse. :joy:


I think its true…purly antidotal

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Saturday weigh in.
193.4lbs :ok_hand:


Sunday EARLY checkin

I lost 2lbs this week!! That feels like progress. 0.8lbs until im just overweight and not obese! I hate the obese label and im greatful ive committed to healthier eatting and moving and exercising more.

This weeks goal - keep intermittent fasting, workout one more day, be positive


I don’t have a scale so don’t know how much I gained but my clothes are getting smaller and smaller. I can’t blame dryer anymore cause I’m not using it lately (the weather is nice and I dry stuff outside). Since I don’t have a money to buy new clothes - Im gonna do my best to lose some weight.


Welcome! Keep us posted. I found a scale on amazon for $22 that comes with a very useful app.

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Woot woot!! Look at you go! So very impressed with all you do and grateful that the hard workbis showing results :clap: :raised_hands:

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Good afternoon weightloss crew. I just had a consult with the dietician. She wants me to start eating smaller meals about every 3hrs. Increase my nutrition by adding more whole grains, fruit, and dairy. I told her im nervous about eating more because i have seen progress with my methods but i said id follow the meal plans we set out atleast 3x a week. Workout 4x a week. I’ll have a followup with her in 3 weeks


I can tell you from my experience at least that the eating smaller and more frequent meals is really helpful. It helps me feel less hungry and in turn I don’t snack as much on bad stuff (or eat too much of anything). I’m definitely not a professional though :rofl:


Hey CJ :wave:
My sister and her husband do what @Nordique was talking about. To me it seems like they eat all the time :scream:. And they never gain weight. They tell me about the metabolism and all that biology stuff. I tried it. Did not work for me! I guess I just can’t eat small bits all day long or whatever. Healthy snacks, nuts, fruits, whatever. I ended up not liking it all all. Maybe it was the addict in me I don’t know. I ended up eating too much and feeling bad about it.

Anyway…… just thought I’d put in my 2 cents worth. I think you been doing great :+1: It’s definitely worth a try. What your dietitian said. And it makes a lot of sense.

I still do my intermittent fasting if that is what you call it. No food after 8 pm and lunch and dinner around 1pm and 5-6 pm. Oh and I’m doing my fruit now around 11 am. It works for me. I’ve done it so long. Oh and if you count it I do do Metamucil in the morning. Not sure if that’s counted as food or not. Maybe TMI but full disclosure.
