Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

Yay progress! Keep it up @Starlight14


Honestly, since Christmas and New Year my eating has been terrible, and not much exercise either. I was convinced I must have put on at least 10 or even 15 pounds. I got on the scale today and I put on 6! I canā€™t believe it. So relieved.
147 pounds aiming to get below 140.


So when I began my sobriety back in Jan I had high expectations, but we donā€™t always get what we wantā€¦ more focus was required for my weight loss.

Since Jan 8, down 6lbs

3.5lb :arrow_down: this week alone.

So excited to finally be seeing progressā€¦ well, breakfast and back to the gym. Another 55lbs to go to goal.


Yay!!! Iā€™m so happy youā€™re seeing progressā€¦ you didnā€™t give up which is so hard to do when discouraged. Proud of you friend and congratulations!


3.7lbs to go til my next weightloss goal! Not too bad for being sick these past two weeks and induldging in chocolate.

I will increase exercise this week for my mental health and weightloss goals


Iā€™ve plateaued at 151-152 for the past month or so. My calorie goal is 13-something and Iā€™ve been consistently overeating to 1500-1600, which would be my maintenance intake so no surprise I havenā€™t lost recently. I definitely need to buckle down, get back into weighing/portioning food accurately, and stop grazing during work from home days. Might try to just eat 3 meals no snacks and see if that helps.

My job becomes extremely physical (hiking off trail) in May and I really want to be able to move quicker, have less knee pain, and feel less exhausted! Trying to get down to 140 by then, which I think is achievable if I focus!


Seems yesterday and today I am back to where I was. Approx 1800 calorie deficit those two days each. I dunno what is happening, but I just have to accept and not let it get to me.
I enjoy the lifestyle that I am living, so I guess Iā€™ll have to accept itā€™ll come when it comes.
Iā€™m going to make an app with a doc to see if we can get some blood work tests done to see why my body is so stubbornly holding o to this weight even though by all measures I should be down considerablyā€¦
Physiologically my body burns calories to survive and workout, I am putting much lower than what it requires (like 1500 cals per day, but burning over 3000 cals in a day) so I am at a loss, but am no longer going to dwell on these matters until a doc can help me figure this out.



Saturdayā€™s weigh in on Monday. Posted Wednesday :neutral_face:
196.2 lbs


7 lbs lost


So fricken proud. I took one hour gym class this morning and stayed for another 50min on the treadmill. Its been years since i worked out for two hours straight. Feeling fantastic and wearing size medium clothes!!! I havent been a medium in years!! Today i dont care what the scale saysā€¦


The scale says I am 223lbs today. On February 13th, I was 237lbs.

My goal is 190lbs. I signed up for a personal trainer and got a referral to a dietitian, and I have a year.

Letā€™s do this!


I absolutely love this! Way to go CJ ā€“ you are looking fantastic :heart:


Hell yeah! Great progress already. You can do this! @HoofHearted


Saturday am weigh in posted in the pm
199.0lbs oopsie :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


:chart_with_downwards_trend: 6.9lbs since my sobriety began.

Still a far ways to go, but going none the less


@Cjp I love it! You are a real badass lady :muscle:t2::heart_eyes:

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:chart_with_downwards_trend: 6.75 kg since beginning abstinence from foods that trigger my binge eating. Down from my heaviest at 98kg to 91.25kg today.

Iā€™ve been sticking to 3 meals a day, avoiding snacking and overeating, especially in the evenings after dinner. Iā€™m not counting calories or trying to maintain a deficit, Iā€™m just trying not to eat past fullness and have reasonably balanced meals. Iā€™m not going to restrict or go hungry since thatā€™s only made the binging worse in the past.

The weight is coming off quite fast at the moment, which is great. Iā€™m worried that Iā€™m getting too obsessed with it, as Iā€™m weighing myself every day and calculating how quickly Iā€™ll reach my goal weight at this rate. I keep thinking that all the weight will just fly off like itā€™s doing now, and then all my problems will be solved!

The real goal for me is to recover from my habit of overeating and giving in to cravings. OA has been a massive part of this for me, and Iā€™m so grateful for it.


196.8 lbs
Back where I belong :raised_hands:


90.7kg :blush::crossed_fingers:
Itā€™s getting harder tho