Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

I began following the Keto Diet July 1st. Before I started I researched everything I could find on how to follow it. What foods were best, how many grams and total calories. It is based on High Fat Moderate Protein and low carbs. I track everything on Fitness Pal which is a free ap. Basically keeping Carbs to 20 grams or lower a day and eliminating added sugar is the key. I have not been hungry or felt deprived on this way of eating. I also go to gym four days a week. Pool Exercise for at least and hour.

Good Luck.

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Checking in here because I am inching closer and closer to dipping below 225 lbs and I am SO excited!
My goal for 2024 is to hit 220 lbs because that would mean I am in double digits again in good old-fashioned kilograms and it’s been a long time since that was the case.

How’s everyone else doing atm?


@Tjc1982 Your progress is noteworthy. I started back to the gym in June (sporadically) and have committed for the last eight weeks to three times a week. At my age, it feels too bad when I miss a workout and go back, so I’m more committed than ever.

192…something :thinking: Can’t remember, too excited about being 192.lbs

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