Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

I began following the Keto Diet July 1st. Before I started I researched everything I could find on how to follow it. What foods were best, how many grams and total calories. It is based on High Fat Moderate Protein and low carbs. I track everything on Fitness Pal which is a free ap. Basically keeping Carbs to 20 grams or lower a day and eliminating added sugar is the key. I have not been hungry or felt deprived on this way of eating. I also go to gym four days a week. Pool Exercise for at least and hour.

Good Luck.

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Checking in here because I am inching closer and closer to dipping below 225 lbs and I am SO excited!
My goal for 2024 is to hit 220 lbs because that would mean I am in double digits again in good old-fashioned kilograms and itā€™s been a long time since that was the case.

Howā€™s everyone else doing atm?


@Tjc1982 Your progress is noteworthy. I started back to the gym in June (sporadically) and have committed for the last eight weeks to three times a week. At my age, it feels too bad when I miss a workout and go back, so Iā€™m more committed than ever.

192ā€¦something :thinking: Canā€™t remember, too excited about being 192.lbs


191.6 lbs :+1:


0.6kg (1.3lbs) down in one week.
Slow and steady win the race :wink:


Itā€™s hard to actually realize how far youā€™ve come when you are literally stuck with yourself day in, day out. Soā€¦ Iā€™m just gonna leave this here. About a year ago, I attempted to hike this somewhat easy yet rather steep trail. It didnā€™t go too well and we had to turn back before completing a third of the way. Yesterday I went back. 20 kilos lighter. It wasnā€™t easy, but I made it to the top and back. Likeā€¦ I still got a way to goā€¦ but bloody hell, donā€™t I look different?


You sure do Amy! :star_struck:
And well done for that climb too!
You look good in both pictures bit you sure look healthier and more energetic in the second one.


Came back yesterday after a 2 week holiday in France:
Choissants, chocolat sandwiches, blue cheese (loads :blush:), icecream, macaronsā€¦
I ate it all ofcourse and weigh 2 kilo/4,4 lb more then before my vacation.
Soā€¦work to do!
Canā€™t do much exersize because of my foot injury unfortunaly so I have to be creative in that.
I try to do some powerlifting when sitting on a chair.
Going to downsize the sugar and focus on more protein and eating smaller sizes.
Going to share my progress here to keep myself acountable.
Today day 1 of better and ā€œnormalā€ food.
Not easy because we still have a box with croissants from France left :face_with_peeking_eye:


Way to go Amy, I love the progressā€¦

I wanted to be strong when I decided to change my habits. Strong not skinny. Iā€™m still pretty hard on myself, but today I reached the 18 kg weight loss mark myself. I feel fitter and stronger and healthier.

Iā€™m not brave enough for pictures.

Well done to you, go get those hillsā€¦. :evergreen_tree::wood::evergreen_tree::wood:


You looked good before too but I know itā€™s good to feel lighter. Well done. Looking amazing. :+1::+1::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


The difference is remarkable, you look great @Amy30 :muscle:

I had a similar experience in 2021, hiking with my sister near her holiday home in Germany. I couldnā€™t make it up a hill and was quick to blame my reduced lung capacity (from a pleurectomy operation)ā€¦ Surprise, surprise, I tried the same hill this year, 20 kgā€™s lighter and had no issue!

The things we tell ourselves, in denial :see_no_evil:


191.8 lbs :thinking:
Not sure what I think about this.
I mean I donā€™t need to loose anymore weight. But I like to read lower numbers in the scale. And Iā€™m afraid to put some weight back on.

Well all my pants fit. So I got that going for me.


-0,4 kg/-8,8 lbs

Probably water, but Iā€™ll take it. Having a migrain today so not eating much eather :nauseated_face:

Last holiday day is a couch day.


Last holiday day on the couch with a migraine :face_with_head_bandage: :scream: that sucks. Wiki looks comfy. I hope you feel better in the morning.

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193.0 lbs. still good :+1:

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Sorry just seen your sweet message. Yes, next day the migraine was gone :grin:

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Not going to get on the scale for the next 4 weeks. Have my right feet into plaster, so it wonā€™t give my exact weight :blush:


Yesterdayā€™s weigh in
194.2 lbs
Still creeping up. Donā€™t like that. But still more than 5 lbs under goal weight. Like that.


173.6. 23 1/2 pounds lost since 7/1/24.