Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

Lost another 0.2-0.4kgs since last weigh in about one week ago. It’s harder to eat clean in winter all the time. But I’m going to start cutting down again to aid my w loss. 2.5 kilos down since Christmas.


Just throwing this out there. I’ve been tracking my food with an app called Cronometer. Unlike most other tracking apps, this one lets you scan barcodes for free, which is a HUGE time saver! It was recommended by my trainer to make sure I was focused on eating the right things in the right amounts.

I know, I know, tracking EVERTHING you eat sucks and is a time suck, but I promise, after a few weeks, you’ll find it really isn’t that bad, especially if you have the same things frequently (you can make recipes and meals once and re-use quickly).

Screenshot above shows my progress for today, so far.

It’s been a valuable tool. :+1:


Thank you! I’m using myfitness pal by recommendation of my nutritionist as she’s familiar with it can can get quick insight. But I’m cheap so I manually type in everything I eat and measure everything…I sure have wondered if paying to scan it would be worth it lol


57 kilo/ 125,6 lbs
Happy girl here: gained 1,5 kilo muscles and lost 0,3 kilo of fat! :confetti_ball: All in 1 month of working out in the gym doing a full body training. Looking forward of more changes to come.


I have the payed version of MyFitness pal and I like the features of it. Use it every day to track my proteins as well. But instead of you I had to increase them.
For me it’s worth the extra costs.


This is also what I use. Tracking is never optional for me, I know I’m going to be doing it my entire life. I just think of it like a bank account where calories are money.


I hit my very short term goal yesterday (150) which gave me a tiny bit of hope. But I’ve been eating so much garbage at these very stressful evening work things. I have tried and failed three times to bring my own food and not eat the food there. I know the food is designed to be super palatable and addictive. I know every time I give in I am strengthening my urges. I don’t know how to break the cycle.


196.4 lbs


I had my official first week’s weigh in, I’m down 1.5 lbs. Slow progress is still good progress.

I did notice after a few days, I felt great! Then I had a little girl who wanted to make me gluten free brownies so I wasn’t left out of the family ice cream sundaes. I said no at first, then we made them lol. But, it showed me lots of things-including my fear inventory about my weight. Even though it’s something I’ve wanted, I sabatoge myself because I’ve had subconscious fears and my weight has been a protective barrier.

So, for me, it’s not just about being accountable for my daily logging with my calorie, protein, carb & sodium goals-it is about changing who I am from the inside out with my step work too. So grateful for my recovery community! :heart:


196.0 lbs
Actually got Saturday’s weigh in on Saturday


I broke through my 150 lb barrier yesterday. I’ve been doing journaling and workbooks and engaging here to really battle my compulsive eating. I still have work to do around free food at work but at home I’m doing pretty well.


Checking in. It’s going but boy is it ever going SLOW. Perimenopause and weight loss just SUCKS. My goal has been half a pound a week which should mean 3 lbs this last 6 weeks. I’m at 3.5 so I guess I’m doing well.

Starting weight: 146
Current weight: 142.5
Goal weight: 120


It’s weird to be on a healthy diet and strenght training and see my weight getting up :see_no_evil:
I do not know if it’s just fat ore muscles, hope the last one. Within 2 weeks I have a measuring appointment at the gym. They have a scale that sees the difference between those two.
Current weight 57 kilo (125,6 lbs), gained 1,5 kilo since 2 months.
But I noticed my pants got space around my waist so I think my body is changing :confetti_ball:


194.4 lbs :pray:t2::broken_heart:

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Still going slow. I’m noticing an issue with weakness behind my knees. I’m not sure the cause. It makes it very hard to walk up and down stairs. Yesterday I thought I was feeling stronger but when I went to go for a “run” on the treadmill I found it very difficult so I could only walk. Even the walking required me to hold on to the sides too. Possible causes are:

  1. Started running before I was ready…should go back to just walking until I’m stronger
  2. I have created an imbalance between my quads and hams….but I’m not sure which one is needing more
  3. I have a circulation issue. I do notice sock impressions at my ankles so maybe I have a bit of fluids pooling. Compression socks??

But I’m still going. Needing to figure how to get more protein in my diet. Google says I need at least 1g protein for every kg of body weight (as a perimenopausal woman) which would be about 65g and I usually only get 45g.

Still on target for 0.5lbs loss per week

Starting weight: 146
Current weight: 141.6
Goal weight: 120

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I read once that when you first up your strength training your body will hold on to water to protect the muscles as they repair….

Is that true? Maybe….

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Ok, I don’t know either :sweat_smile: But sounds plausible

Jan 20th I was weighing in at 213lbs, now 206lbs. Been keeping to an average of 1,800 calories perday with 1 hour weight training 3x per week. 25 days until this body comp challenge that I joined ends, thinking I needs to add some cardio 2x a week from here on out.


Nice job! Cardio will help burn for sure


Checking in: been almost a week since my last check in. I am soooo close to being in the 205lbs range, so close! Weighed in at exactly 206lbs this morning.

As a reminder to myself, a year ago I was 237lbs. Progress!