Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

Boy, oh boy… I’m getting close to a milestone month alcohol free, I think it’s a high time to take more care about what and how much I eat. I’m typical skinny-fat person - in general my body is ok, I don’t have problem with my arms or legs but I always look like I’m about 5 month pregnant, I’m not exaggerating. I used to drink a lot of beer so I was hoping when I stop, my belly will get smaller. Well, it’s not happening. Even tho I exercise almost every day, I started running, my waist remains the same. In February I’m gonna be 40 and I feel my metabolism slowed down so I have no choice - I must change the way I eat

  1. more veggies, especially greens
  2. less sugar
  3. minimalise amount of processed food.

I don’t have scale to track my weight but actually weight is not so important to me, the waist is. I don’t want to look pregnant anymore :wink:


We are all here for you! I was one who use to get the comments of looking like I was pregnant and asked when I was due… all the while having a beer in my hand. I know the heartache of that all too well. Message me ANY time if you would like to hear more of my story and past. You can do this though. One day and one step at a time!


Thank you Deb, I will


Soooo i decided to skip weighing myself after i get home and wait for my regularly scheduled weighin next sunday. Im eating more but moving more idk.


I bought a scale.
I thought I’m about 5kg in plus but actually I’m 8… And since I’m not drinking for a month I thought I lost some weight too. Boy, was I wrong xD Well, shit happens. Now I know I gained so much so I’m planning to be super careful with the stuff I eat.
We can do this!


Yes we can


191.8 lbs.
So happy.

I have one night where I find comfort food in cheeseburgers and chili cheese queso fries. I definitely ate more than I should. Moving stress. Anyway,….freaking out it’s putting me up over the edge. Even though I eat basically no fries anymore. Anyway…. Just how I feel. Always afraid I’m gonna gain it all back.


Im not sure if the fear actually ever goes away. I think you are doing great (5 lbs in 2 weeks). :clap::clap:
Must be doing something right. You have a healthy lifestyle and hopefully will be able to manage the stress of the move (we are here if you need to vent or blow off steam).


Just that stinking thinking pressure I put on myself. I’ve never lost weight and kept it off sober before. Being sober is making a world of difference and I know deep down I’m not gaining that 50 back. But still. :pray:


I am slowly losing the weight, between giving up wine and the gym I am down to 70kg. Still a way to go but I am pleased as this is about a lifestyle change so will be more manageable.

Well done @Dazercat. When I first joined you were going above and below 200lb, you are well below now.

One step at a time @Mischa84 I didn’t lose any weight when I first gave up, but it is the first step to a healthy new you. It will happen


Welllll the scales mad at me this week. Ive gained. Ill chock it up to quitting vaping, increased stress, and some comfort eatting. I will hold out hope the scale is more favorable next week


Damn I mad at myself.
My auntie is staying us for a while, she just took my kids outside and I ate 3 (3!!!) big magnum type ice-creams. I only eat them when kiddos are not around cause I don’t want to give them so much sugar, I don’t want them to know how it taste :wink: But 3?! Wtf is wrong with me. Actually it was the same with beer before - when I was alone for a moment I tried to drink as much as I could. That’s sad


I totally understand this behavior - been through it many a times.
I feel like ice cream is a go to for most when we quit drinking as it has the sugar and the cold effect that we miss from our drinks. I wouldn’t be super hard on yourself. You are doing great and i know it took me about 5 months to get past the needing ice cream stage (now i do every once in a while but not religiously every night. There was one night that i did eat a whole pint of ben and jerrry’s ice cream. was horrified at first and then told myself man that could have been a few bottles of wine.


From December to August - I’ve lost 30 lbs and about 7 inches on my waist. Been stagnant for the past 2 months so i went up to GNC and talked to a nutritionist about a revised plan. So long 16-20 hours of fasting and swimming. Now i’m moving into more resistance training and eating 5 times a day every 3 hours with each meal giving me 30 to 50 grams of protein. For example i’ve got 2 ‘meals’ left, i’m at 1000 calories, 162g of protein, 69 carbs, and 43g of fat. I’ll finish the day around 1800-2000 calories with 210g of protein and 55g of fat. The focus is high protein low fat while staying in a caloric deficit. In the next 16 weeks the goal is 1.5lbs per week, 25 lbs down, bringing my total to 56 lbs in a year. The deadline is December 2nd so i’m on it!


79kg this morning :star_struck:


Started a 6 week challenge at a new gym. I have to attend atleast 3 classes a week and lose 9lbs in 6 weeks and i get my money back.

Fingers crossed.


I’m getting help . The doc is getting me a scale to help, it connects with the doc office and a checklist.

So, yeah, time to buckle down


The 6 week gym challenge im doing comes with 3 balanced body meetings where we do an inbody scan and weigh skeletal muscle and body fat.

This trainer doesnt like BMI as an indicator of health either. She wants me to eat more calories to lose weight. Thats gonna take some retraining because ive been limiting calories to lose the last 38lbs. But my body has hit a plateau and i need to change strategies.

The goal is to lose 5% body fat in 6 weeks. :grimacing: wish me luck!


Gosh i need to get back into losing weight…i dont know how many take aways ive had lately and keep finding myself saying well its my only vice…im filling the loneliness and stress with food and i feel huge and ugly :sleepy:


I’m super excited for you CJ - think this 6 week challenge will be great - feel like they are incorporating physical gain with body balance and nutrition. Stay strong!