Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up 2

It’s always great to work on ourselves and make us stronger and fitter but know that in no way are what you feel – you are beautiful my friend. I know you were thinking about swimming again - have you started doing this? Burn some serious calories with laps and its a full body workout.
Whatever you decide and know you will conquer!
Much love my friend. You’ll be at the 1 year mark soon enough and with a handle on your DOC its the perfect time to start working on fitness. :muscle: :heart:


Thank u lovely, its trying to find thd motivation at the moment i feel super stressed and a bit overwhelmed with everything but yes maybe once the school holidays are over i can get into the swimming properly, thanks so much for this lovely message, love to u dear friend :heart: :people_hugging:


morning Kelly --getting that motivation going is tough - especially if we have not felt that rush of endorphins from working out in a while. i know a friend of mine would go to sleep in her work out cloths so that she could get up and without thinking just get going (more important in the winter months when it is too cold to change).

I do a 10 min rule - tell myself i only need to be active for 10 minutes. Once i’ve done this i usually want to keep going but there are those days when after 10 i’ve had enough. you do have to listen to your body.

I also started a jar where every workout i dropped a $1 into it - i would treat myself once a month if I made at least 20 workouts - if not then the money goes back into pocket for living expenses and start over for next month.

Some tips to get motivated to work out are

  • Surround yourself with motivational quotes
  • Get a workout buddy
  • Think about how working out makes you feel
  • Set reachable goals for yourself
  • Treat yourself to some new workout clothes and equipment
  • Put your workout gear in a highly visible area
  • Create a playlist to get you moving
  • Tell yourself that you’ll do just a warm-up
  • Make exercise a priority and find the time for it

Thanks so much for this Jasmine thats brilliant, im definitely going to do this once Sofia goes back to school xxxx


Down 10 lbs. Off to a good start


These are great tips, thanks so much.

@Starlight14 I will definitely be your workout buddy virtually :blush:


Oh thank you Jenny :blush: xx

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2 weeks ago I measured my waist and belly at the biggest circumference and today I checked them again and it remains exactly the same :frowning: Not even half cm smaller. That’s frustrating.


Oh no, that is frustrating. Could it be hormones making you more bloated?

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I don’t think so. Theoretically 2 weeks ago I could’ve been hormonal bloated…
My aunt is still with us and we enjoy some cheesecake with coffee, or sweet ice-coffee or ice-creams when we are somewhere outdoor, most probably this is the reason I’m not losing any weight :wink: In few days she’s leaving so I’m gonna cut sugar intake and I hope I will start losing some cm

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Yes that may be it. Hopefully it will be a different story in the 2 weeks. I have gluten belly atm so don’t dare measure myself!

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Saturday weigh in on Sunday.
I’m good with that.


I’m like a yo-yo. But i am at 268. It’s good. I caught myself anxiety eating and that’s a big bummer. I am worried about my mom, 72yo and declining in health.


Just found this tread and already love it. I’m on a rollercoaster weight wise for years and years and years… Nothing too bad but annoying and stupid. 5 kg up 10 kg down 5 kg up feeling still ok another 5 kg up not ok and repeat. Really want to break this unhealthy circle.
This thread could make it for me.
Thanks for starting it.

68 kg is my target :dart: let’s do it


I like that scale. In which app is that

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I’ve downloaded it in German. In English it should called Watch Your Weight. I have it for years and it’s really easy to use and sufficient for my needs. Hope you find it and get to test it. It was for free years ago. Hope it still is! Good luck.

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Thanks @Astro im still on my weightloss journey. I want to lose atlest 20 more lbs by end of jan 2024 Reduced calories isnt working anymore so im changing my strategy…build muscle and more calories when i workout


Hi there, I’m back under 70 kg and that’s a big deal for me. So I’m very happy about it. The problem with me is that I go a bit mad about calorie counting. Wich means I try to avoid calories when ever I can and when I’m so focused on calories and healthy food but I don’t have healthy food at hand then I tend to eat nothing at all. And when I have ice-cream or a piece of cake then I tend to skip the next meal. Thing is that I don’t feel hungry at all when I do so. And this could go for months. But at some point I start to slip … Slowly but steadily gaining wait again. Terrible circle. So I’m really trying to get into a better an healthier lifestyle for good and I know this app will help me.


WOW Maria that is awesome
Great job in turning your life around and making such progress on your sobriety + weight-loss journey! Keep up the amazing work!

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So much positivity here, amazing :clap:

I am not losing much weight atm, but the gym and swimming is changing my body. I had the most amazing dream last night where I was back to my body several years ago but now toned, and I was strutting around :rofl: I want to have that body confidence (without the strutting!)