Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up (Part 1)

Checking in with my smoothie. Usually I would not have a smoothie before weigh in late this morning. And since I binged a couple of meals this weekend I’m kind of bummed out. But. I think having the healthy smoothie is the better choice.

Ready to walk dogs.
Reformer workout.
And then weigh in with y’all in a few hours. It’s a new week. I’m feeling good about it. I got this!!!


Can’t believe I’m only 1 point away from my goal weight of 135 lbs. I weighed in at 136 this morning. Since I’ve quit drinking July 27 2019, I’ve lost over 40 lbs. I was around 171 lbs then.


16 lbs down, 117 more to go. Still on the path.


Got my weigh in. 197.8
No loss no gain. Still under goal weigh.
Yippee :raised_hands:
I was pretty worried but pulled it off. I wish I could learn not to worry about my weight.

Lunch: BLT with Mayo and only 1 slice of Swiss with cottage cheese and lettuce and bell peppers.

Great job :clap:
@Lulu13 :clap:
On your success. Keep up the great work.


Weighed in today at 134.9… I honestly thought it would be way more. I blame visiting my mom! LOL she likes to go out to eat. Plus I was taking allergy medication everyday which I just found out causes weight gain. Still no excuses.
Its a new week! Gonna stock the fridge with healthy stuff.
@Desire2ChangeToday Great job Shay!! 70 pounds is amazing!! Are you still doing the raw food diet? I should try that.


Yes. I still eat lots of fruits and salads. But I do mix it up with roasted vegetables as well. I eat ancient grains every so often. Vert rarely do I eat veganized favorites like I used to (pizza, burgers, fried foods, mac n cheese etc). I had a raw vegan pad thai salad with a spicy peanut dressing for dinner today. It was absolutely divine.


That’s 130lbs! I love lifting and can’t wait to be back at it! I did good today. Kept away from the sweets! Back to low carb! We’re hunkering down for the storm it’s making it way here gotta love MI weather lol


130 lbs?!? Holy Shit!!! That is TOTALLY AWESOME!!! WAAAAY to get it done!!

This weather, UGH!!! I got text and a call from our daughter’s school district about an hour ago that school will be closed tomorrow! She is actually at her Dad’s this week (my ex) but I was in the loop to take her to school since he will need to use the vehicle she drives to school tomorrow so he can get to work. I guess I won’t need to do that afterall!

Anyhoo, stay in if you can. My hubby has to go to work still despite the weather. Too bad adults can’t get snow days from work every once in a blue moon. I guess maybe they can but it hasto be pretty BAD for that to happen.


That looks great Shay. Especially the part about the spicy peanut dressing. :yum: Do you make that dressing? I haven’t found a good spicy peanut dressing for a real long time. Never thought of making my own.

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Thank you! And yes I always make my own as I like to know what is in my food! No artificial processed crap! Recipe attached. Just throw everything in a blender or nutribullet and blend! I substitute the soy sauce with Braggs coconut liquid aminos.


Oh so cool. That’s what I thought; that you make your own. And thanks. I was wondering where the spice would come from. Do you think I could leave out the dates? Not a big fan. But I guess if it all goes in the blender then it wouldn’t be so bad. Kind of a texture thing with me and dates. If you know what I mean.
Thanks again.

The dates add a bit of sweetness (not overpowering as you can’t actually taste them) and it gets completely blended so you won’t get a bite of it at all! Sauce should be completely liquid. The spiciness comes from the cayenne pepper.

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Can’t wait to try it. I like a dressing like that on all my salads.

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Quick question: do those of you counting calories feel thirstier than you usually would?
I’ve been counting for a month and have noticed that I get very dry mouth sometimes, even when not exercising. I dont pee a lot and I dont have diabetes. So weird!
Also, what vitamins are you taking for weight loss? I heard that vitamins do little to no good.
So confusing!

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Hi there. I don’t have much to add, but was just wondering what do you drink and how much do you drink during the day? I drink coffee in the mornings but then throughout the day I end up having 112+ oz of water to stay hydrated. I do workout, anywhere between a half hour to a hour 20 mins give or take a bit here and there. I pee frequently, haha.

As for what vitamins, I have some but haven’t been taking them like I should. I don’t know much about them being beneficial or not beneficial, but if I could remember to take them, I personally would. My ex who is a pharmacist speaks highly of taking them daily.


I wouldn’t say counting calories made me thirstier. But it is winter. And with the heat on it does get drier. I live up in the mountains and it’s always dry. One cup a coffee in the morning for me and the water or sparkling water the rest of the day. I find it hard to get my water quotient in in the cold months. But I do start every day with a 16 OZ pint of water with my meds.

Logging food and calories was a great tool for me to get to my goal weight.

I take vitamins but none are for weight loss. Fish oil, glucosamine and doc recommended B12 and Magnesium.

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Checking in
Made smoothie.
Bundled up to walk dogs.
It snowed and there’s ice but I forced myself out again anyway for a 45 minute walk. It doesn’t matter how fast I walk as long as I don’t fall.
Eating a small salad then left over beef burgundy. I’m going to measure out 1 cup and a slice of bread.

Shay. I couldn’t wait to try the spicy peanut dressing. But I didn’t have any dates. Never have dates in the house. I used 3/4 of a honey crisp apple. It turned out freaking amazing.
Thanks for the recipe. I’ll never try and buy a spicy peanut dressing in the store ever again.
I’m so excited.

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Ooohh I would have never thought to use a sweet apple! Way to improvise! I’m glad you liked it! Easy, healthy and delicious!

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I absolutely LOVE dates. Thing is, I can never ever buy them because I will eat the whole tub in one shot. They’re very calorie dense, so gotta be careful with them. So good. Like natural caramel (taste, not texture).

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They’re basically my exclusive sweetener. They go in ALL of my smoothies and I love when they aren’t completely blended because the little bites in between sips are like a treat. They are so sweet and good I feel guilty eating them like its candy. Lol

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