Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up (Part 1)

Weighing in @ 197.8
Lost a pound woohoo :raised_hands:
Got to maintain or just get a little more under.
That doesnā€™t mean I celebrate with food. :flushed:
Have a great weekend folks.


I have Lupus, RA and Sjƶgrenā€™s syndrome Iā€™ve been on steroids for the past 6 months because all the medications I got put on made me sick sick. Two weeks ago I started weekly Enbrel injections so I can now stop taking the steroids which made me gain tons of weight. I was at 176lbs and I am now over 200lbs. :sob:
I started back at the gym yesterday and will be dieting as well. I was on keto before and that was the only diet that actually helped me lose weight all the others I failed at miserably. Today was rough though I wanted to eat every carb in sight lol but it will get easier. I love all the avenues this wonderful app has to chat it up about basically everything.


Checking out.
Had my 2 leftover stuffed clams and a salad for lunch. I had some leftover lettuce but nothing to put with it. Chopped an apple and sprinkled it with pistachio nuts. I use pistachio nuts instead of croutons. And my lemon garlic Dijon vinaigrette. It was really good.
Dinner. 3 black bean enchiladas with red sauce and pico.
At my 2 thin single peppermint patties. Wish they had an emoji for that :rofl:
No treats no snack. No bites of the wifeā€™s plate.


Checking in Friday 13 2021

So yesterday oh yesterday was one of my unhealthiest days out of my whole weightloss journey as truck drivers we may not have the healthiest options im currently with a trainer so here is what my day consisted of yesterday ā€¦

Breakfast i fasted ā€¦
Lunch had a jimmy john chicken ranch 8" cold sub with water as my beverage
Dinner i had the sub hold me up the whole day as i felt like my calorie intake was sustained
As the night went on i was falling asleep traveling thru 3 states in one day he offered me monster i drank one monster and a half ā€¦a gatorade bottle (orange one ) and had some coffe like mayb a cup . Im very proud of myself that i did not fall in to all the bullshit this guy was bringing on to the truck alot of HIGH FAT SNACKS AND CHIPS this new Job puts a stop to my workouts as there is no time little sleep and im away 2 to 3 nights out of the week . I have good news i weighed myself on Friday i weighed in at 189 pounds out of 224 i started with 2 months ago thats 35 pounds lost in 2 months m very very proud of myself !!!


To counteract an unhealthy lifestyle and weight gain iam going to stock up on Canned fruits , canned vegetables healthy snacks like pistachios amd room temp healthy meals of course alot of H20 cant say much about sleep other then i will get as much needed rest as i can as far as working out comes along the days iam home im going to be working out the best i can and while im on the road i will try my best to come up with ways to keep my body in shape mayb speed walk/ jog around my trailer pushups sit ups etc calisthenics but i wont let this situation put a stop to achieving my goal and my dream of 145 pounds ! LETS GOOO

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Congrats @Dazercat
Congrats to everyone putting in the work i couldnt check in this past friday i was out on the road with my new company :pray: but i see alot of.hardwork and progress keep it going guys !!!
For the ones that need uplifting words remember its YOU VS YOU you have to prove yourself that you can and will get there and nothing can stop you !

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Doing well. Down another lb this week. All the puppy walking is helping a lot. My diet wasnā€™t great this week but not horrible. I think tonight might be a soup dinner. :grinning:


:partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: !!
Congrats on the pound loss thats amazing your doing a great job

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Way to go Trucker J :clap: :clap: Thatā€™s got to be a difficult environment to navigate weight loss. Being on the road all the time. And your partner bringing unhealthy snacks. Double Ouch!! Good for you being strong. I havenā€™t been on the road for awhile but I remember the boredom eating as well. One thing I did do was cut out the sides like the fries or chips and just eat the sandwich or burger or whatever. SLOWLY. Itā€™s amazing how hard it is for me to eat slowly. They say put your fork down!! In between bites and chew and savor. I find putting the sandwich down in between bites quite a challenge. Impossible!! Maybe we could start a PUT THE SANDWICH DOWN!! Challenge :joy::joy:
And as always I really appreciate your support. LETS GOOOOO !!! :heart_eyes_cat:

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Todayā€™s is kind of an off day.
Got my smoothie on. My favorite one!

Gonna walk the dogs on the 3 1/2 mile loop and thatā€™s it.
Stretch after I hope.
Planning on a nice lox and onion omelette for lunch with one piece of toast. Instead of 2 pieces of toast.

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canned goods canned fruits avocadoes tuna sardines oranges bannanas granola bars my weeks food ready for the road on a healthy note.


Checking in Feb 13 2021

Today i ate 3 tacos
Had a bit of popeyes iam done for the day today was like a cheat day for me so ill be okay im ready to hit 180 or 175 this 15 of March LETS GOOO

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Today was good. I ate good and puppets and I did our longest walk yetā€¦almost 6km. Itā€™s cold as hell right now but snow pants make a huge difference!!

Tonightā€™s dinner was a lemon chickā€™n (I used soy curls), carrots, and pasta stew. I guess stew, the liquid gets cooked off so itā€™s a wet mushy bowl. So tasty and low calorie.

Iā€™m thinking about trying to set mini goals. I donā€™t usually like to do that because I get frustrated if I donā€™t do it but the long term 15 pounds is too abstract. So Iā€™m thinking Easter is in 7 weeks. I think my goal should be 5 pounds by then. Itā€™s attainable, not too ambitious, and gets me into the 120s. I havenā€™t been in the 120s for longer than I can even remember. At least 5 years Iā€™m sure. And if I can do more than 5 lbs Iā€™ll be even more motivated.


Today was weigh in day for me. Iā€™ve lost 3 lbs.!!! Yay!! So glad I had a loss this week. Iā€™ve been working my @$$ off everyday with my workouts and been watching what I eat too. Hubby and I tweaked our diet and Iā€™ve been more mindful of what Im eating. Iā€™ve also ramped up my daily workouts.

Im not sure if any of you are familiar with what is called Intensity Minutes, but on my Garmin its basically a way to measure how intense your workouts or activities are. With that said, the WHO recommends 150 mins per week of moderate activity like brisk walking or 75 mins of intense activity like running. So this week thus far Iā€™ve done 79 moderate mins and 284 vigorous mins for a grand told of 647 intensity minutes for the week and I still have todayā€™s workouts to add to it! The 284 vigorous mins get multiplied by 2 to get to that grand total number.

If I hadnā€™t had gained 2 lbs last week I would have been even further ahead, but thats ok because it was something that got my full attention. So now Iā€™m a 1 lb lighter than 3 weeks ago.

In summary:
Starting weight (11 weeks ago): 151.8 lbs
Week 7 weight: 144.4
Week 8 weight: 141.2 (-3.2 lbs)
Week 9 weight: 141.4 (+.2 lb)
Last weekā€™s weight (week 10): 143.4 lbs (+ 2 lbs)
Todayā€™s weight (week 11): 140.4 lbs (ā€ 3 lbs)

I was SO close to breaking into the 130ā€™sā€¦ but that will come, not sure when, but it will, nothing is going to come between me and my goals. Iā€™m going to continue pushing hard with my workouts, eating right and keep hydrated by drinking 112+ ounces of water daily. Iā€™ll get to my goal of 120 lbs through dedication and hard work. Iā€™m going to stay strong and stay focus.

We got this, each and everyone of us. One day at a time!


This weekend was a bust for me. I ate and ate blahhh. Thatā€™s what happens when Iā€™m with my family our get together are based around meals and weā€™re all cooks so itā€™s so hard to resist :sob:! My dad loves to bake and I stopped by yesterday to pick up some stuff that he grabbed for me at Samā€™s club and he made homes sticky buns and cinnamon bread and let me tell you it was amazing. I will strive to be better this week. I work with my trainer in Tuesdayā€™s and Thursdayā€™s. I talked to my mom and she wants me to do some meal prep for us this will be a huge help. Looking forward to seeing some results in the long run. I love crossfit and lifiting. I just need to get back into a routine and clear my pantry of the temptations.

I will get back to this!!!


Hi there! I see you too live in Michigan, very cool! I do too! GREAT pic by the way! Holy hell, how much weight is that you are lifting!!! You are amazing!! Sorry about all the yummy tempations all aroundā€¦ sweets and goodies a like. A sticky bun!!! YUM! Lately my guilty pleasure after dinner is 1 ice cream sandwich most evenings. Iā€™d probably be doing even better on my weight loss if I stop that, but thats all I really treat myself to besides some coffee with cream and sugar. So Iā€™m trying to balance living a little too. Itā€™s a whole lot better than drinking 2 bottles of red wine a night or 8 beers or more in some combination of the equivalent.


So happy you lost the three pounds. Thatā€™s great!! Oh what a feeling!! Great way to end or start your week.

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I hope this one is healthy. Not sure how much Iā€™m enjoying it. :grimacing:

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Thank you, thank you!! It is great and kind of a reaffirmation of my hard work and effort. Seeing some semblance of progress and results helps keep me on track to keep on persevering no matter what. So Iā€™m very thankful!! Itā€™s kind of both, the end and the beginningā€¦ or maybe just the continuum of my journey, my path.


I wish i had something like this for support when i was losing the weight. I lost 65# with my (now ex) husband discouraging me the whole time. Telling me i couldnā€™t and wouldnā€™t. But i did. :trophy: keep at it people. You got this!