Weightloss CHECK IN : dont give up (Part 1)

Weigh in day.


Weigh in day, 143.2 lbs Aiming for less than 140 and then work on building back some muscle. Looking forward for the lockdown to reopen the gym, walking and yoga for now.
Letā€™s have a great weekend junk food free. :pray::hugs:


Down to 247.6 since my surgery but ending to smarten up my eating, no more sugar and fast food. Sure I canā€™t eat nearly as much as I used to, but I might be getting better results cooking my own food and eating enough protein.

Bought a couple bariatric cookbooks off Amazon so hope that will help.

After all, the gyms are closed for at least another couple of weeks :frowning:


Weighing in at 202.6.


I made myself get on the scale today. :grimacing: I hate the dread and anticipation of seeing where the numbers fall. I baked homemade bread over the weekend for the grands and of course ate more than is wise while dieting. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: But it wasnā€™t bad after all, Iā€™ve lost 1 pound this week. :partying_face:


Well unfortunately I have gained weight :confused: I didnā€™t weigh myself as I donā€™t know my exact weight. But I literally canā€™t fit into a pair of shorts that I wore right before I got clean 2 weeks ago! This is upsetting me abit. But this just means I need to make a few adjustments. To actually workout more often and making better eating choices. Iā€™ve sort of been rewarding my clean time with food. I canā€™t gain weight. Of course recovery is top priority but mentally I canā€™t do a large amount of weight gain and add to the weight I already do have :frowning:


The sober bloat is killin me. My lifting feels off from it and my energy is low from lack of calories. Not that beer was actually nutritious :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Iā€™m down 3.8lb last week so letā€™s see what this week holds! Itā€™s my 3s week (on Wendlerā€™s 531 + pyramid plan) so I might not lose weight due to heavier lifts

Any powerlifters or bodybuilders here??


Glad I found this topic. I am a mom of 5 and fought hard to go from 255 to 158. Now Iā€™m pushing the 190ā€™s and teetering the scale so excited to start seeing the changes once again physically and mentally.


Skinny tipā€¦

When your needing a good period of low calorie eating but you are Hungry alotā€¦ the trick that I use to fill me up , that taste good, is good for you, and has minimal caloriesā€¦

Buy a bag of pre washed pre chopped vegetables.

No prep needed.

Lightly blanch for a minute or two.

Eat with chopsticks

Dip into terriyaki sauce.

So yum and filling and low on calories!


That sound really good!!

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It actually tastes so good. The terriyaki sauce is Just so yummy with it .

I just lightly dip each piece of vegetable in the sauce individually eating slowly.

So I donā€™t just Pour sauce over the vegetables, I use the sauce as a minimal light dip.

It really hits the spot! And when the bag has a variety of vegetables it doesnā€™t taste boring :innocent:


I eat it with pre cut pre washed butternut pumpkin aswell.

I blanch them for two minutes and eat with chop sticks dipping them individually into the terriyaki sauce.

Itā€™s a great snack when your hungry .

Low calories.


Super quick to make.

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There is a weight lifting thread here. Its easy to find :relieved:

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Awesome info, thank you!

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Girl I put on 24 kgs in the first 11 months I was cleanā€¦ 24kg!

I went from 50kg to 74kg in 11 months.

All because I got clean and started eating the entire universeā€¦ :rofl:

All I can say Is be cautious of what your eating because the calories add up over time.

I never thought in a million years Iā€™d put on weight. Iā€™d never been over 50kg in my life.

But it happened. Because I stopped using and started eating regularly and then some.

Donā€™t eat processed foods. No sugars or starchy cards. No sweets.

Eat fresh produce. A little bit of naughty foods apparently add up over time. You donā€™t see it coming but it sneaks up on you.

Stay active. Walk alot. Like a lot! :yum:

Have Sunday as your ā€œcheat dayā€


Thanks April for your help! I appreciate u commenting cuz it does concern me alot. I already have body image issues and so I donā€™t want to make it worse. I do eat everything. I eat when Iā€™m not hungry, bored, emotional, stressed, and eat processed sugary foods alot. My portion sizes I think have gotten bigger too. And Iā€™m noticing Iā€™m rewarding myself with food which I donā€™t like doing. I want to see food as energy and eat only as much as I really need and not as a reward ya know? Iā€™m going to the gym in the am and I have a workout plan in place. But they do say itā€™s 80% diet and 20% exercise (or something like that lol)ā€¦ so I need to address my food issue for sure.


This is a big one for me. I do it ALL THE TIME

Also when Iā€™m feeling blah and shitty if Iā€™ve had a day that didnā€™t go to plan. It could be the smallest thing that sets me off, if something doesnā€™t go my way, I instantly use it as a reason to go to the supermarket and buy ice cream , chocolate, cheese, crackers etc all the bad thingsā€¦ just because Iā€™m feeling blahā€¦

Itā€™s a very hard habit to break.

All that bad food added up.

And its VERY hard for me to loose the weight now.

Iā€™m down to 66 kgs. So I lost 8kgs. But itā€™s a slow and hard process.

Donā€™t get to where Iā€™m at. Stay on top of it and watch what your consuming

Because our bodies are not use to consuming like this and our bodies were so different when we used daily.

Every time I relapsed the past few times it was because I couldnā€™t handle being so over weight.

In the few weeks Iā€™d be in relapse Iā€™d lose about 5 kgs a week, so then Iā€™d be feeling less like a whaleā€¦ then as soon as I got clean again, within 3 weeks the Weight just comes back onā€¦ it was so depressing!!

I canā€™t recommend to you enough, just stay away from processed foods and take away. Cut out all sugars and carbs


Well I got my butt out of bed :slight_smile: hit the gym for an hour. Iā€™m trying some new things. Trying to get a routine going.
Today I did 15 min of HIIT on the elliptical
And did triceps and chest
Just sort of tried to determine my weight for dumbbells. Iā€™m thinking if doing 3 sets of 10. If Iā€™m wrong, someone plz tell me :rofl:
Cardio kicked my butt lop I actually broke a sweat lol
Then I ate 3 scrambles eggs and a cheese bun with coffee. And I actually only ate 1/2 the bun cuz I wanna cut carbs abit (I eat WAYYY too many carbs).
So far so good today I think ā˜†


Trying my best to make better choices. Lunch today is a turkey wrap with cheese and cucumber, left over steamed veg from last night lol, and water!


Yes best thing to do is sauce on the side. You donā€™t realize it takes very little until you do it that way. Canā€™t wait to have some of these for dinner :raised_hands:t3: