What a rough ride that was... What made u get sober?

Im curious to hear about the night that you realized u had to get clean… My story sum. I was in a black out completely hysterical in a bush and some guy i didnt know gave me 20 bucks and told me there was a solution… Life has changed 180 n that man is now my sponsor.79 days


I asked a friends brother for a ride home and he said no then made fun of me for being as drunk as I was. Then I proceeded to pound on his winsheild like a crazy person… Got picked up by my boyfriend’s uncle… Then came home… Yelled at everyone in the house about everything I hate them for… Refused to go to bed… Broke 2 glasses and then finally convinced my boyfriend to come to bed with me because I couldn’t handle him not wanting anything to do with me. Had sloppy sex that I could tell he wasnt into and then woke up and proceeded to cut my wrists cause I hated who I was that night. I spent 4 days in bed after that and only ate once and cried until my eyes were swollen. My boyfriend sat me down and told me it needs to stop or he will leave me. So… Here I am. And I can only report what I was told or have piece together… I’m sure there was more. :unamused:


Life of the party eh? Good job for making the choice

Totally haha … Thanks ! You too!

You are one of the lucky one to realise and care that you need help, many people don’t realise or care to get better.


There were many situations where I knew I had to stop. Nothing really bad happened yet and I don’t want it to happen. Main reason was my health. My body got sicker every day, my skin was full of pimples everywhere. I could not sleep, sweating heavily, high blood pressure…not good.

U only get so many chances at life

Obviously were both fortunate

I realized I was going to lose the only guy who’s loved me unconditionally… I also have mental health issues and he helps me get through it all so losing him isn’t an option. Plus the shame was overwhelming… Not sure I could do that again.

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U could do it again… Dont fool yourself…

About 20 years of shame, guilt, bad decisions, depression, anxiety, irresponsible choices, lots of blackouts, messed up relationships, an attempted suicide (not my own) and the realization I was going to kill someone while drunk or kill myself while drunk or sober. All of which means I want to live and love myself and others more than I want to drink. I dont want to squander the gift of life to get drunk and act like a clown.


Good job bud

Thank ya. Sobriety is a new path. I think sobriety will give me a fair shot at life.

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Ya man… Cant hurt to try

Very true. I have already seen benefits. Im not as anxious for one.

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I don’t think so. I have the power to make sure I don’t put myself in that situation and I’m going to do my best to ensure I’m never in that spot again. Drunk me isn’t cute… Neither are the scars on my arms. Not worth it.


Well which one? Hahaha
I ahve had different addictions from a young age. Deppression, eating disorder and early drinking that I thought at that time I had it under control. Was happy and doing well for about 3 and then relapsed into drugs and alcohol badly. The day I released I need to be sober was when I was working and taking care of a dog (I am an animal acupuncturist) from the morning to the night I had work and I was fucked up from anything and everything I could find. My parents came to pick me up from work and got me in the car and told me that they know everything and that I need to go back to treatment. And Took my car keys and whatever drugs I had.
Next day I decided today was the day I’m going to be sober. I fucked up 5 times in one day. So now it has been 11 hours! And hopefully no fucking up today


I woke up one day and hated who I had become. severely depressed, very angry with everyone, abusive towards those close to me, trying to help me. Couldn’t hold down a job. Nothing had happened when I was drunk the night before, but things had happened in the few months before that that I’m not proud of.( fighting people, getting arrested, being abusive and an arsehole in general) I think I had hit my rock bottom. And about a week before I stopped drinking, I had to go to my foster mothers funeral, who died from cirrhosis of the liver. I hadn’t spoke to her for years, because we had a huge fight when we were drunk and I’d had enough and cut her out of my life. I was angry with her for years but so upset when she had gone. I just woke up one day and had a long hard think and decided I’m not a child anymore, no one is responsible for me. I have to do this myself. Although I’m scared, because I don’t know what to expect, I must try.


sick of being sick


Realizing how much money I was spending and how much debt I put us in. Honestly my husband found my stash of pills and it was a relief. Sure I lied at first saying oh their old blah blah blah but now all truth is out. I lost my job because I stole money, an now I’ll lose my kids and husband come Feb 10 to got to an intensive outpatient care facility in Wisconsin for 60 days