Im grateful to be seeing my partner tonight!
I’m grateful for my recovery. I am greatful for my understanding of a higher power. I’m greatful for all my family and friends. I’m greatful for the roof over my head. I’m greatful for my health.
I am greatful for the warm rain. I am greatful for the delicious food I ate today. I am greatful that I got a nine month AA chip today. I am greatful that I can walk. I am greatful for my Higher Power. I am greatful for my family.
Today I’m grateful for the sunshine and beautiful weather
I’m greatful to be happy, healthy and strong. According to my mother that’s what our family says as a mantra we’re, happy healthy and strong. Greatful to draw strength from her and that. Greatful to God. I am greatful for the twelve steps. I am greatful for my new blanket.
1-my Lord and savior jesus christ
2- life
3-food in my stomach
4-clean water
5-clothes on my back
6-$ in my wallet
7-roof over my head
8-good job
9-new car to get to good job
10-few real people in my life
11-gods creation I get to see with my eyes
12-my neices and nephews
My sobriety
My home especially my bed! Love just piling on the blankets and vegging out
Good health
The weather has been really nice
Today im greatful for my sobriety and my family. As I’ve been getting my life put back together I’ve noticed that my brain is very very slowly changing my daily habbits. But the key word was change no matter the pace. Im forever greatful that my life is going in a forward momentum for the better.
I’m grateful for another chance at life.
I’m greatful to have people in my life that truly care about me. I’m grateful that I’m starting to trust myself and be trusted. I’m greatful for my bicycle. I’m greatful for the time I got to sit with the treatment center cat Sandy, curled up on my lap today, so relaxing. I’m greatful for my higher power.
Today I’m greatful for my family and friends. I’m greatful for my recovery. I’m greatful for my understanding of a higher power. I’m greatful for food. I’m greatful for quiet moments which I used to dread Lol.
I’m greatful for my health. I’m greatful for 12 step meetings.
Im greatful for God, my recovery, my family and friends. Im greatful for my health. Im greatful for my bed.
I am grateful for this app I just want to say thanks to everybody and all the inspiring stories .
11 months and counting!!!
I’m grateful for my home, family, doing work that I enjoy and find fulfilling, the ability I have to provide for my family, sobriety from alcohol
I’m grateful for my place, my dog, my life, my recovery, my sponsor and my very supportive family.
Welcome here, you can join the other gratitroopers here
Like Franzi said, we’ve got a more active thread for gratitude at the link she posted above. I hope you’ll join us there for daily gratitude!
Searched the 80 day mark and read this …thanks… the merry go round shit u ain’t lying man …good stuff
Congratulations on your 80 days. That’s terrific. Keep up the great work. It’s so worth it. And so are you.
Closed due to a more current and active gratitude topic: