I’m stealing your hard hat.
That’s too dangerous for him. Safety first. Steal his soft hat.
We were the oddball family with Beta vs. VHS. And Intellivision vs. Atari (but that’s was before your time I think )
Oh wow.
I used to play Intellivision… And Atari
I can still hear the dragons breathing from the Dungeons & Dragons game! I thought it was a scary game
I’m going to steal all the left earbuds
I won’t steal anything this time… But I’m going to rearrange your food cupboard and put all the common items on the top shelf and move what used to be on the top shelf down to the bottom one.
Then I’m taking all the spatulas… and all the soap bars from showers and baths.
We need a laugh react button for these posts!
I’m taking all of your phillips screwdrivers, 10 and 13 mm sockets.
Nooooooooo! Not the 10mm!
Though it’s probably already missing. Those things get lost as soon as you buy them
I know, so annoying
Take all the inserts out of your shoes
I’m taking all the forks and spoons, good luck eating with only knives.
Only butter knives, because I took the sharp ones.
You were always the other Rob…
I guess you’ve been here longer… I’ll give you that.
I’m going to steal the left-click button on all your mouse
I’ll steal the space bar for the combo
Your plunger, you would have to ask your neighbor.
I’ll take all the batteries out of your smoke detectors and replace them with dead ones so they constantly beep. Just long enough to really annoy you as I would never put anyone’s life in danger.