Cranking your stereo and setting it to loop Nickelback and then removing the volume and off buttons.
Your yoga mats.
Your showerhead.
Dammit… Someone stole all my likes
Now i have to wait hours for more.
But you all get likes for your suggestions. They’re great and i love reading them
Evil genius
I’ll take the rec out of your overy lol
Wreck-> ovary? Lmao
I’m taking one track of your garage door, 2 random hinges off of every door, one hinge and half of one slider off your cupboards drawers dressers etc. Oh and the screws that hold your light switches and sockets INSIDE the walls
that actually did happen at one of my jobs. Microwaving burritos took a little wooden bowl and a lot of patience.
that’s not right. we only have one cell phone charger in this house that works. im turning off your water at the meter and filling the vault with wet concrete that i took from your garage
I’m taking the backs off all your earrings and the clasps off all your necklaces and bracelets.
even better!
And make the other wire poke through just a little bit
The chapter “TO WIVES” in all the AA big books.,
I’m stealing one random screw from your house per week on a random day, and telling you I’m doing so. You don’t know which screw it is each time, without checking over everything top to bottom. You’ll be living in low-grade fear for months, perhaps years, experiencing a series of mishaps, not trusting anything you own, until you crack.
Nice… Anxiety creeping up just thinking about it. but I love it. Going to go check all the screws now just in case…
One piece from your jigsaw…
The good scissors
Wine from my Dad’s supplies
That’s mean. I hate that