I’m taking an hour break on my porch swing uninterrupted by bull .
AA Meeting so beneficial
Keeping God in my mindset to control outbursts and reactions to stupid behavior of others
Staying connected to all you here… priceless
Completing tasks - so gratifying
- BJJ class
- Step work
Ok I have to ask…BJJ Class ?? Bump Jump Jive?
Kinda sorta but, actually: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Thank you. Now I am in the know!
- Men’s meeting
- Step work
Might get a hair cut
- AA Meeting
- Complete TO DO list for today
- Self Care
- Therapist
- Meeting with my sponsor and going over Step work
- Going to a meeting and celebrating my ex-counselor’s 24 years that he achieved 2 days ago!
Focus on school work, focus on my job, play with my son and talk a lot with my daughter. Eat 3 healthy meals and exercised with my trainer.
I got today and tomorrow off but having to work throughout my weekend because office people becoming sticklers on hours but i relaxed today and plan to do the same tom and pack for my work trip finalizing my bags
- Interviewing for a new job that would allow me to help others with resources
- Laundry
- AA meeting
- NA meeting
- Step work
Good luck on new job! You are “rockin it”
AA meeting
Tackle Must do tasks
Stay positively sober today
- Trauma-Informed training, all day
- AA meeting
- Fellowshipping
- NA or HA meeting
- Fellowshipping
- Step work
- Celebrating someone’s 1 Year at a meeting
- Chaired the aforementioned meeting
- Step work
Got up, dressed up and showed up. You got to be present to make a difference.
Ordered my big book and step book
Should have them in a few days