Daily reflection
Read some Twelve steps book
Attended dentist appointment…Day early ….will attend again tomorrow
AA meeting tonight (didn’t make them a cake today )they will have to eat biscuits
- Face day head on
- Morning AA Meeting
- Clean and bag 200 lbs walnuts
I could not do that chore drunk
- Laundry
- BJJ class
- Step work
Hard workout
Incline dumbell press
Barbell military press
Chest flys
Back flys
15 Min hiit elliptical
Hammer Curls -
Bible reading/ meditation
Check in with talking sober
Focusing on killing selfish tendencies, therapy podcast
Focus on others at home.
Go to bed with my wife, no stimulation/gaming.
Found an old memory card. Watching videos of my kid’s playing in the river with my underwater camera when they were little
- I am laughing at myself and for life in general. Far too long I had no joy
- I try to attempt to make others smile. Sometimes I fail.
- Keeping in mind I can help others see how wonderful sobriety can be even though early days are rough and tough.
- Rest ‘n’ Relaxation
Going to the dentist again to try to repair the damage that drug’s did to my teeth.
Today I’m refocusing. Practicing patience and maturing my heart. Focus on my actions.
I’m using this app as a social platform lately which does help in my sobriety, but I need to get back to daily works in my growth. Spiritually and mentally. My mind always tends to get distracted and fall into comfort/complacency.
Proud of you You’ll like the big book. It’s about us, solution s and how to make our life simple happy and worthwhile .Life’s easier with a programme bro
Aa meeting
Daily reflection s
Called sponsor (she didn’t answer today because even sponsor s have unmanageable days )
Bike ride
Gave mum a cuddle today coz she asked ( she never asks !! )told her to hand it over before bed as she can’t sleep, hope it helps because I can’t help
- In Seattle with a sober friend, goin’ to watch the Mariners play the Yankees
Listening to my inspirational music to try to get some motivation to get a lot of work done.
Will also be working with family to try to find my son a good rehab facility. I know that’s not really for me but it will definitely make me feel better to know he’s somewhere safe.
Spending more time in prayer (which should be listed first).
I hounestly cant wait to recieve the big book and step book
Ive been attending my online meeting daily
- Pharmacy for head meds
- Lab work
- NA meeting
- AA meeting
- BJJ class
- Photo editing
- Writing
- Step work
- Reading
I got my 12 step and 12 traditions book today
My big book should be here in a few days.
One of the nice things about being sober for over 40 years is that thoughts and urges to drink disappeared over 3 decades ago.
Today it’s about trying to do the next right thing, live a decent life and help out where I can.
Get reading. Great AP out there called Everything AA. Free and have reading and audio of literature. I recommend listening to Joe and Charlie.
my sponsor bought me my twelve traditions book a couple of weeks ago
- Motivational Interviewing training
- AA meeting
- HA meeting
- Aaaaand, you guessed it: Step work