- Men’s meeting
- Step work
Might get a hair cut
- AA Meeting
- Complete TO DO list for today
- Self Care
- Therapist
- Meeting with my sponsor and going over Step work
- Going to a meeting and celebrating my ex-counselor’s 24 years that he achieved 2 days ago!
Praying to my higher power for guidance
8 hour shift at the restaurant
No energy drinks
AA speaker meeting
Paying my probation restitution fees for the month
Doing some reading and less Hulu
Not staying up late
Focus on school work, focus on my job, play with my son and talk a lot with my daughter. Eat 3 healthy meals and exercised with my trainer.
I got today and tomorrow off but having to work throughout my weekend because office people becoming sticklers on hours but i relaxed today and plan to do the same tom and pack for my work trip finalizing my bags
- Interviewing for a new job that would allow me to help others with resources
- Laundry
- AA meeting
- NA meeting
- Step work
Good luck on new job! You are “rockin it”
AA meeting
Tackle Must do tasks
Stay positively sober today
- Trauma-Informed training, all day
- AA meeting
- Fellowshipping
- NA or HA meeting
- Fellowshipping
- Step work
- Celebrating someone’s 1 Year at a meeting
- Chaired the aforementioned meeting
- Step work
Got up, dressed up and showed up. You got to be present to make a difference.
Ordered my big book and step book
Should have them in a few days
Daily reflection
Read some Twelve steps book
Attended dentist appointment…Day early ….will attend again tomorrow
AA meeting tonight (didn’t make them a cake today )they will have to eat biscuits
Counseling appointment for probation
Raking leaves and some yard work
Grocery store
No energy drinks
AA meeting
Staying in today
- Face day head on
- Morning AA Meeting
- Clean and bag 200 lbs walnuts
I could not do that chore drunk
- Laundry
- BJJ class
- Step work
Hard workout
Incline dumbell press
Barbell military press
Chest flys
Back flys
15 Min hiit elliptical
Hammer Curls -
Bible reading/ meditation
Check in with talking sober
Focusing on killing selfish tendencies, therapy podcast
Focus on others at home.
Go to bed with my wife, no stimulation/gaming.