What books are you all reading?

Me James Patterson the shadow

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I’ve read “Dry”; it’s a fantastic book!


Composting masterclass I think composting may be the new rock n roll.
I’m also still on with Alcohol explained and have just started listening to the institute again.
I’m looking for the invisible man on audio book but cant find it yet. :roll_eyes::grinning:


The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog by Bruce Perry


I completed Octavia Butler’s Xogenesis trilogy (Lilith, Adulthood Rites, and Imago). Good stuff. I completed Joe R Lansdale’s Paradise Sky - good. I am starting Butler’s Parable of the Sower. This has an introduction by N.K. Jemisin in which she says it took her 3 reads to ‘like’ the books. That has put me on my heels.


Fairy Tale- Stephen king was released today. Im getting stuck into that . A lot of talk about adiction to alcohol in it so far. Which i can certainly relate to.


Not technically a book but as i lay in the bath im reading creepy 2 sentance horror stories from my phone


I’m listening to Jessica Simpson’s book at the moment called Open Book. It’s really good. She has over 6 years of sobriety now. She is really candid about so many things, not just drinking but also childhood abuse and pills. I was going to link an ET interview but it could be triggering for some.