What drives you nuts?


-slow walkers on sidewalks. Get to the right, slow walkers. I have someplace to be.

-slow walkers in the store. Get to the right slow walkers. I have stuff to get.

-People who appear to be aimlessly walking about. Go wander somewhere else, or get to the right. I know where I am going.

-People who talk in circles. If you have a point to make, get to it.

-Passive/Aggressive people. Pick one, and be one.

Indecision regarding unimportant things: you are deciding what to order for dessert, not whether or not to have children or adopt a pet. Cake or pie, pick one, enjoy it.

Younger people trying to tell me how life works. Young man, young lady, respectfully, I’ve lived more than twice as long, have lived in or visited other countries, been to war, made my mistakes and learned from them. I’ve had 5 different careers, read more books, and met or know more people than you have or do. Compared to what you came up with in the echo chamber of your college campus, respectfully…you don’t know squat today, but someday you will. In the meantime, get off my lawn.


YES! Me: Do you want to go grab dinner?
Kids/ My Mom: Sure!
Me: OK. What would you like to get?
Kids/My Mom: Hmmm…I don’t know. What do you want?
(commence them asking each other what everyone wants for 10 minutes).
Me: Alrighty, then. I am going to go make a sandwich.


I hate when people your are dining with double dip. Take what you want and stop using your dirty fork or spoon to get more!!!

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I hate when someone calls you and then sits on the phone without saying anything. They want you to talk to them after they called you.

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Drivers who don’t signal. It only takes an inch.

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Having feelings…


People calling their pets "fur babies "

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The saying “you got this”.


People who are late not just 10 to 15 min late but hours


When people recline their seats on a plane or when someone kicks the back of the seat.


When there are 15 people at a movie and people come and sit right next to you. There is a 98% open theater and they crowd you.

  • My daughter talks through ENTIRE movies

  • My Father in law hawks up spit constantly and is always spittint in bottles…especially when I eat (:raised_back_of_hand:t2:weak stomach here!!)

  • Loud chewing

  • Silence and the sound of my OWN breathing!

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I’m going through some challenges and I thought I’d seek counseling. In the midst of working through things the catch phrase of many people is “Be strong” and it’s annoying me! Let me feel what I’m feeling. I’m strong most of the time but I don’t feel that right now. I think I should be able to feel all my feelings,whatever they may be

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Maybe out of 98% of an open theatre, of all seats, you chose to sit right next to their seat. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I have to throw in mouth breathers since I live in the South.

Omg yes! That drives me crazy too… lol right along with nuggets :rofl::joy:

smelly people who refuse to use deoderant
seeing people throw their lifes away
the fact that i’ll stay addicted for the rest of my hopefully long life
the neighbours dog barking
the yelling children at the school across the road
my lack of discipline
being unable to go to school
corona…fuck corona
that should be the tip of the iceberg…

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My grumpy old perfectionist neighbor. A few years ago we bought a renovation object built in 1948,we got it cheap because the seller had already bought a house they couldn’t afford. First thing we had to do was install geothermal heating because the winter was upcoming and the heating system electric heaters, first electricity bill was $600 for a month.

Unfortunately to install the geothermal heating we had to reinstall all electricity in the house, we still have two rooms left to reinstall.

After that we had problems with the teens room, apparently it wasn’t isolated at all so we had to rebuild and do a fixee upper in there. Then in the spring we had to sanitize for ants, the refrigerator, washing machine and the stove broke just as the dishwasher. The bathroom is about to fall apart, some floors needs to change. We’ve done a massive clean up in the garden. And this summer we’re going to rebuild the roof and paint the house. And yet the neighbor who is retired and have all the time in the world complains about that we’re doing nothing to the house or the garden.

Meanwhile we’re doing all we can afford and the most panic things first, things he doesn’t see.

He also have been reporting us to the social workers like 10 times because he claims we don’t care about the kids. We’ve got two boys within the autism spectrum, and they can be a little Loud and act a little strange. But after the last report from him the social workers had enough and said they if he does it again he’s going to be reported to the police for harassment.

Everytime we’re outside he’s got something new to complain about, and his wife isn’t better and is plain rude.

I can understand them at some point, our house makes their house loose some value. I just wish they could see all that we are doing. Not much hope though he’s been an enemy to the neighbors behind him for over 30 years.

And his ability to complain and lack of compassion is driving me nuts.

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I hate the loud leaf blowers that go all the time it seems. I am on conference calls all day and the leaf blowers are constantly going.

Actually, there was a study done to see if silent power equipment would sell in the US.
Ultimately a few dealers tried selling silent lawn equipment (which is easy to build), but they failed.
Folks bought them, did not hear the loud sound, and returned them as defective even though they performed equally or better than their loud counterparts. Hence, we are stuck with loud leaf blowers b/c rednecks don’t think it works unless it is loud. Only in the US. :us:


I love US, I’ve got friends and family in Memphis (or just outside) but this was actually really funny. I can totally understand how that can be annoying. Do you got like a soundproof headset? That might help otherwise.

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